[mechanical instruments] (music boxes, mechanical harmoniums, clocks, etc)

~ Other


Music Box Opera. Opera Excerpts Played on Music Boxes From the Rita Ford Collection[mechanical instruments]CD13
Musical Heritage Society512447T
A Victorian Sunday[mechanical instruments]CD10
Musical Heritage Society5163326717794633221
L’Art de la boîte a musique[mechanical instruments], from the collection of Etienne Blyelle-Horngacher12" Vinyl58
Arion (French classical / world music)ARN 36 461[none]
Kirmesorgel SouvenirKirmesorgel SouvenirCD26CM MusikproduktionCD 30014037163030014
Mechanical Music Instruments[mechanical instruments]CD59Studio FontánaFN 046
Musica mechanica[mechanical instruments]CD26
WERGO / Spectrum (sub label of WERGO)SM 1201-504010228120127
The Fun of the Fair, Vol. 1[mechanical instruments]CD19
Sovereign MusicSOV007CD5019638000721
Hupfeld Helios Orchestrion II/26 spielt einen bunten Melodienstrauss mit viel SchokoladeHupfeld Helios Orchestrion II/26CD22
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none]
Karussellorgel Gebr. Bruder Modell 109 (Musée Baud, L'Auberson, Switzerland)Karussellorgel Gebr. Bruder Modell 109CD21[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none]
A Victorian Sunday[mechanical instruments]CD10
  • GB1994-04-20
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