Mike Mogis

~ Person


NameArtistISRCsRatingLengthRelease Groups
A Toast-At Your DoorMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott
    AlwaysMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott0:42
    AmbulanceMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott2:22
    Anne Frank HouseMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott3:28
    At Your DoorNathaniel Walcott, Mike Mogis & Big Harp
      Baby, Can You Dig Your Man?Durand Jones, Mike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott3:08
      Bill Bumps Into EricaMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott
        Bill Gets DressedMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott
          Bill Tells Sam the TruthMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott
            Blues for EricaMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott
              Blues for SamMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott
                Bobby TerryNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis2:49
                Buying EggsMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott0:38
                Christmas Cookies (Deck the Halls)Mike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott
                  Christmas TreeMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott2:39
                  Cold HandsMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott0:18
                  DisappointmentMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott1:22
                  Doctor Says NoMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott1:44
                  Drugs and a ShowerNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis1:11
                  Erica at the DoorMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott
                    Favorite BookMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott
                      Final WarningNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis0:55
                      Flagg Speaks of the Old DaysNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis1:53
                      Fran StandsNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis4:54
                      Frannie and Stu Head EastNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis2:00
                      Frannie WritingNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis2:09
                      Funky BonesMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott1:28
                      Funky Bones 2 Pt. 1Mike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott1:21
                      Funky Bones 2 Pt. 2Mike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott2:07
                      Garden BurialNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis1:44
                      GoodbyeMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott
                        Goodbye PhotoNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis2:12
                        Guns Aren’t ToysNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis1:15
                        Hand of God, Pt. 1Nathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis1:37
                        Hand of God, Pt. 2Nathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis1:01
                        Hand of God, Pt. 3Nathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis0:57
                        Harold Out West / Finds a WolfNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis2:18
                        Hazel and Gus Intro-StaringMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott0:58
                        Hazel CheckupMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott0:28
                        Hazel EmergencyMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott0:52
                        Hazel EulogyMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott2:15
                        Hazel IntroMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott0:40
                        Hazel X-RayMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott0:31
                        Hottest Woman on EarthNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis0:41
                        I Love YouMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott1:01
                        Isaac EulogyMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott3:16
                        Kate RescuedMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott
                          Kneeling Traitor SpeechNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis2:11
                          Kojak by the FireNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis2:09
                          Larry Looks for MomNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis1:43
                          Larry Meets Nick / Flagg WinksNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis1:59
                          Lesson PlansNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis0:39
                          Letter to Van HoutenMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott1:16
                          List of Five NamesNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis1:45
                          Lloyd Introduces FlaggNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis3:06
                          Looking for KateMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott
                            Love MakingMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott2:55
                            Mom and HazelMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott0:49
                            Moon and Nick Meet Mother ANathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis2:10
                            Mother A Scolds Nick / Vegas VisionNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis1:12
                            Mother A Summons the GroupNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis4:03
                            Nadine Plunges out the WindowNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis3:12
                            Nadine Will Be QueenNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis1:49
                            Namedropping BrubakerMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott
                              Nebraska TalkNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis2:15
                              Nick Finds the Bomb / Bomb BlowsNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis2:57
                              Nick Wakes UpNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis2:06
                              NosebleedMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott
                                OkayMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott0:31
                                One Sad SwingsetMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott0:43
                                Opening TitlesMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott0:58
                                Peeping TomMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott
                                  Pills and GoodbyesNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis2:27
                                  PoetryMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott
                                    Queen NadineNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis3:41
                                    Rabbit HoleNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis1:28
                                    ReadingMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott
                                      RewriteMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott
                                        Rusty Tucks Kate InMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott
                                          See You Around, StuNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis1:19
                                          Shattered IdealsMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott
                                            Sneaking InMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott
                                              Speed Death AlongNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis1:10
                                              Stu and Fran ReunitedNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis1:33
                                              Stu and Larry Reach BoulderNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis0:55
                                              Stu Asks for VolunteersNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis3:10
                                              Stu Swears to TryNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis1:50
                                              Stu Works His Way OutNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis3:11
                                              Sucking GasNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis2:26
                                              SurpriseMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott0:53
                                              Thanks for UnderstandingMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott1:00
                                              The Big Picture (live, 2009-10-31: Palace Theatre, Louisville, KY, USA)Conor Oberst & Mike Mogis
                                                The Great and Terrible 10Mike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott5:58
                                                The KissMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott1:34
                                                The Thing About PainMike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott0:41
                                                Trashcan ManNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis1:14
                                                Trouble in JailNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis0:41
                                                Trucker StandoffNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis3:13
                                                We Are Nowhere and It's Now (live, 2009-10-31: Palace Theatre, Louisville, KY, USA)Conor Oberst & Mike Mogis
                                                  While Larry SleptNathaniel Walcott & Mike Mogis1:40

                                                  Showing all recordings