Joel Zimmerman (performs as deadmau5)

~ Person


original eponymous member of (as Karma):Dred and Karma
original member of:BSOD (from 2005 to present)
WTF? (house group) (from 2007 to present)
performs as:deadmau5
founded:Awesome Records (one-off deadmau5 label)
Epicwin Limited
Discogs: [info]


DateTitleCredited AsAttributesArtistLength
A City in Floridadeadmau55:02
A City in Floridadeadmau55:40
A City in Florida (part of “4×4=12” continuous mix)deadmau55:02
Animal Rightsdeadmau5 + Wolfgang Gartner6:15
Animal Rights (part of “4×4=12” continuous mix)deadmau5 feat. Wolfgang Gartner5:00
Bad Selection (part of “4×4=12” continuous mix)deadmau55:01
Bad Selectiondeadmau55:01
Bad Selectiondeadmau55:32
Clockwork (Mr Sam remix)deadmau53:41
Cthulhu Sleeps (part of “4×4=12” continuous mix)deadmau510:00
Cthulhu Sleepsdeadmau510:00
Everything Before (original mix)deadmau56:36
Everything Before (part of “4×4=12” continuous mix)deadmau56:06
I Said (Michael Woods remix) (part of “4×4=12” continuous mix)deadmau5 feat. Chris Lake5:52
I Said (Michael Woods remix)deadmau5 & Chris Lake7:05
One Trick Pony (part of “4×4=12” continuous mix)deadmau5 feat. SOFI3:36
One Trick Ponydeadmau53:59
One Trick Ponydeadmau5 feat. SOFI3:36
Raise Your Weapondeadmau58:22
Raise Your Weapon (part of “4×4=12” continuous mix)deadmau5 feat. Greta Svabo Bech8:16
Right This Seconddeadmau57:50
Right This Second (part of “4×4=12” continuous mix)deadmau57:24
Right This Seconddeadmau57:24
Sofi Needs a Ladderdeadmau5 feat. SOFI6:42
Sofi Needs a Ladder (part of “4×4=12” continuous mix)deadmau5 feat. SOFI5:34
Some Chords (part of “4×4=12” continuous mix)deadmau58:04
Some Chordsdeadmau57:24
Circles (original mix) (part of “Mixmag: Cream Ibiza” DJ-mix)Glenn Morrison4:28
FailbaitJoel Zimmermandeadmau5 feat. Cypress Hill4:49
Ghosts ’n’ Stuff (original instrumental mix)deadmau56:13
Peddler of Miserydeadmau5?:??
A City in Floridakeyboarddeadmau55:40
Animal Rightskeyboarddeadmau5 + Wolfgang Gartner6:15
Bad Selectionkeyboarddeadmau55:32
Everything Before (original mix)keyboarddeadmau56:36
One Trick Ponykeyboarddeadmau53:59
Raise Your Weaponkeyboarddeadmau58:22
Right This Secondkeyboarddeadmau57:50
Sofi Needs a Ladderkeyboarddeadmau5 feat. SOFI6:42
Some Chordskeyboarddeadmau57:24
AliveKx5 feat. The Moth & The Flame6:04
A City in Floridadeadmau55:40
Animal Rightsdeadmau5 + Wolfgang Gartner6:15
Bad Selectiondeadmau55:32
Cthulhu Sleepsdeadmau510:34
Everything Before (original mix)deadmau56:36
I Said (Michael Woods remix)deadmau5 & Chris Lake7:05
One Trick Ponydeadmau53:59
Raise Your Weapondeadmau58:22
Right This Seconddeadmau57:50
Sofi Needs a Ladderdeadmau5 feat. SOFI6:42
Some Chordsdeadmau57:24
A City in Floridadeadmau55:40
A City in Florida (part of “4×4=12” continuous mix)deadmau55:02
A City in Floridadeadmau55:02
Afterhours (original mix)Melleefresh vs deadmau56:08
AliveKx5 feat. The Moth & The Flame6:04
AliveKx5 feat. The Moth & The Flame5:09
Alive (extended mix)Kx5 feat. The Moth & The Flame6:40
Alive (radio edit)Kx5 feat. The Moth & The Flame3:29
Alone With You (unmixed extended)deadmau58:12
Alone With You (original mix)deadmau57:30
Alone With You (original mix)deadmau57:04
Animal Rightsdeadmau5 + Wolfgang Gartner6:15
Animal Rights (part of “4×4=12” continuous mix)deadmau5 feat. Wolfgang Gartner5:00
AvalancheKx5 feat. James French4:21
Avalanche (extended mix)Kx5 feat. James French5:46
Bad Selectiondeadmau55:32
Bad Selection (part of “4×4=12” continuous mix)deadmau55:01
Bad Selectiondeadmau55:01
Brazil (2nd edit) (unmixed extended)deadmau56:37
Bright LightsKx5 feat. AR/CO3:23
Café del Mar (deadmau5 remix)additionalEnergy 527:30
Channel 42deadmau5 + Wolfgang Gartner4:49
Clockwork (Mr Sam remix)deadmau53:41
Cocktail Queen (original mix)Melleefresh vs deadmau55:25
Complications (unmixed extended)deadmau59:52
Cthulhu Sleeps (part of “4×4=12” continuous mix)deadmau510:00
Cthulhu Sleepsdeadmau510:00
Cthulhu Sleepsdeadmau510:34
Eat SleepKx5 feat. Richard Walters4:31
EscapeKx5 feat. Hayla4:00
Escape (extended mix)Kx5 feat. Hayla5:14
Everything Before (original mix)deadmau56:36
Everything Before (part of “4×4=12” continuous mix)deadmau56:06
FailbaitJoel Zimmermandeadmau5 feat. Cypress Hill4:49
Faxing Berlin (unmixed extended)deadmau58:41
Faxing Berlindeadmau52:30
Faxing Berlin (piano acoustic version)deadmau51:39
Finished Symphony (Deadmau5 remix)additionalHybrid6:44
Fn Pigdeadmau58:43
Ghosts ’n’ Stuff (original instrumental mix)deadmau56:13
Hey Baby (Adam K dirty remix)Melleefresh vs deadmau56:20
I RememberadditionalKaskade4:43
I Rememberdeadmau5 & Kaskade9:08
I Remember (vocal mix) (unmixed extended)deadmau5 & Kaskade9:54
I Said (Michael Woods remix)deadmau5 & Chris Lake7:05
I Said (Michael Woods remix) (part of “4×4=12” continuous mix)deadmau5 feat. Chris Lake5:52
Move for MeadditionalKaskade3:57
Not Exactly (unmixed extended)deadmau59:15
Not Exactly (original)deadmau58:00
One Trick Pony (part of “4×4=12” continuous mix)deadmau5 feat. SOFI3:36
One Trick Ponydeadmau53:59
One Trick Ponydeadmau5 feat. SOFI3:36
Peddler of Miserydeadmau5?:??
Professional Griefersdeadmau5 feat. Gerard Way4:04
pwdr BluKx5 feat. Brother.3:36
Raise Your Weapondeadmau58:22
Raise Your Weapon (part of “4×4=12” continuous mix)deadmau5 feat. Greta Svabo Bech8:16
Right This Seconddeadmau57:50
Right This Second (part of “4×4=12” continuous mix)deadmau57:24
Right This Seconddeadmau57:24
SacrificeKx5 & SOFI TUKKER4:40
Sacrifice (ST mix)Kx5 & SOFI TUKKER3:52
Slip (unmixed extended)deadmau57:43
So There I Was (unmixed extended)deadmau56:46
Sofi Needs a Ladderdeadmau5 feat. SOFI6:42
Sofi Needs a Ladder (part of “4×4=12” continuous mix)deadmau5 feat. SOFI5:34
Some Chordsdeadmau57:24
Some Chords (part of “4×4=12” continuous mix)deadmau58:04
Some Kind of Blue (unmixed extended)deadmau57:59
Some Kind of Bluedeadmau56:30
Sometimes Things Get, Whatever (unmixed extended)deadmau58:20
Sometimes Things Get, Whateverdeadmau57:14
Stay (Drop the Poptart edit)Joel Thomas ZimmermanColleen D’Agostino feat. deadmau59:08
Stay (radio edit)Joel Thomas ZimmermanColleen D’Agostino feat. deadmau53:51
Take Care of the Proper Paperworkdeadmau56:52
Take Me HighKx54:15
Take Me High (extended mix)Kx55:23
The Veldt (8 minute edit)deadmau5 feat. Chris James8:40
There Might Be Coffeedeadmau57:02
When I TalkKx5 + Elderbrook3:28
A City in Floridadeadmau55:40
Animal Rightsdeadmau5 + Wolfgang Gartner6:15
Bad Selectiondeadmau55:32
Everything Before (original mix)deadmau56:36
One Trick Ponydeadmau53:59
Sofi Needs a Ladderdeadmau5 feat. SOFI6:42
Some Chordsdeadmau57:24
Finished Symphony (Deadmau5 remix)Hybrid6:44
4×4=12 (Beatport release)deadmau5
4wareJoel Thomas Zimmerman
A Bit SketchyJoel Thomas Zimmerman
acedia (ov)Joel Thomas Zimmerman
AfterburnerJoel Thomas Zimmerman
Allpassing LaneJoel Thomas Zimmerman
Alone With You
Animal RightsJoel Thomas Zimmerman
AntisecJoel Thomas Zimmerman
Antisec (instrumental)Joel Thomas Zimmerman
Are You Not AfraidJoel Thomas Zimmerman
Arguru 2K19Joel Thomas Zimmerman
ASEEDJoel Thomas Zimmerman
avaritia (ov)Joel Thomas Zimmerman
bad at titlesJoel Thomas Zimmerman
Bad SelectionJoel Thomas Zimmerman
BitchesJoel Thomas Zimmerman
Bridged by a LightwaveJoel Thomas Zimmerman
Bright Lights
BSODJoel Thomas Zimmerman
caritas (ov)Joel Thomas Zimmerman
Cat Thruster
CEABA55555Joel Thomas Zimmerman
Channel 43Joel Thomas Zimmerman
ChickenJoel Thomas Zimmerman
ChopliftedJoel Thomas Zimmerman
City in FloridaJoel Thomas Zimmerman
COASTEDJoel Thomas Zimmerman
Cocktail Queen
coelacanth (ov)Joel Thomas Zimmerman
Community Nap
Creep (2013 alt. mix)Joel Thomas Zimmerman
Cthulhu SleepsJoel Thomas Zimmerman
Deus Ex Machina
Eat Sleep
EchoesJoel Thomas Zimmerman
EscapeJoel Thomas Zimmerman
Even More SketchyJoel Thomas Zimmerman
FALLJoel Thomas Zimmerman
FivesJoel Thomas Zimmerman
fn pig (ov)Joel Thomas Zimmerman
Game OverJoel Thomas Zimmerman
Ghosts ’n’ Stuff (vocal mix)
Ghosts ’n’ Stuff (original instrumental version)
GlivchJoel Thomas Zimmerman
gula (ov)Joel Thomas Zimmerman
Hey Baby
Hi Friend!
Hidden AgendaJoel Thomas Zimmerman
High ScoresJoel Thomas Zimmerman
hr 8938 cephei (ov)Joel Thomas Zimmerman
HypnocurrencyJoel Thomas Zimmerman
I Remember
I See FireJoel Thomas Zimmerman
I See Fire (instrumental)Joel Thomas Zimmerman
Imaginary FriendsJoel Thomas Zimmerman
imaginary friends (ov)Joel Thomas Zimmerman
invidia (ov)Joel Thomas Zimmerman
ira (ov)Joel Thomas Zimmerman
Last LifeJoel Thomas Zimmerman
LegendaryJoel Thomas Zimmerman
Less ObliqueJoel Thomas Zimmerman
Let Go
Lollercoaster (Kinda Funny)Joel Thomas Zimmerman
Lollercoaster (Not Funny)Joel Thomas Zimmerman
Lollercoaster (Outright Hilarious)Joel Thomas Zimmerman
Lollercoaster (Rather Serious)Joel Thomas Zimmerman
long walk off a short pierJoel Thomas Zimmerman
LoveJoel Thomas Zimmerman
luxuria (ov)Joel Thomas Zimmerman
Moar Ghosts ’n’ Stuff
MonochromeJoel Thomas Zimmerman
monophobia (ov)Joel Thomas Zimmerman
Move for Me
My Heart Has Teeth
NextraJoel Thomas Zimmerman
No Problem
ObliqueJoel Thomas Zimmerman
Pitches Love MeJoel Thomas Zimmerman
PolarisJoel Thomas Zimmerman
PolyphobiaJoel Thomas Zimmerman
PomegranateJoel Thomas Zimmerman
Push It HarderJoel Thomas Zimmerman
Push It Harder (No Vox)Joel Thomas Zimmerman
pwdr Blu
RedicJoel Thomas Zimmerman
RoflcopterJoel Thomas Zimmerman
SATRNJoel Thomas Zimmerman
Saws and SquaresJoel Thomas Zimmerman
See all 122 relationships
Bad Selection
I Remember
Move for Me
Sofi Needs a Ladder
Cthulhu Sleeps
Everything Before
FailbaitJoel Zimmerman
For Lack of a Better Name (continuous dj mix)
HurricaneJoel Thomas Zimmerman
I Said
Not Exactly
One Trick Pony
Peddler of Misery
Raise Your Weapon
Right This Second
The Veldt