Robert Moran

~ Person



1992Byrne: High Life for Strings / Moran: Music From the Towers of the Moon / Lurie: Stranger Than Paradise / Torke: ChalkDavid Byrne, Robert Moran, John Lurie, Michael Torke; Balanescu Quartet1
1992Desert of Roses, Open Veins, etc.Robert Moran1
1993Of Eternal LightMonk, Messiaen, Gordon, Ligeti, Sherman, Moran; Musica Sacra2
1993Volans: Kneeling Dance / Lang: Face So Pale / Reich: Four Organs / Moran: Three DancesKevin Volans, David Lang, Steve Reich, Robert Moran; Piano Circus1
2008MantraRobert Moran41
2009The Juniper TreePhilip Glass & Robert Moran1

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