Legal name: Joe Moses (drum & bass composer/dj/producer; [DJ] Mosus; Need for Mirrors)



2018SwimNeed for Mirrors3
2020FlamesNeed for Mirrors2


2010Greazy / ViragoNeed for Mirrors1
2011Def Tone / Scar TissueNeed for Mirrors1
2011Triangulation Delta / Punch DrunkNeed for Mirrors2
2011FishscaleNeed for Mirrors1
2011Alabama / Erotic RelapseNeed for Mirrors2
2011Lo Walk / TractionNeed For Mirrors / Bazil1
2011Zercon / SmackNeed for Mirrors1
2012Donuts / BadfellazNeed For Mirrors & Kiat1
2012Eyes Wide Shut / InstinctVicious Circle & Need for Mirrors / Vicious Circle1
2012Scuba / CharlatanNeed for Mirrors & Zero T2
2013Voltaire / Heron BlueNeed for Mirrors2
2013Sling BladeNeed For Mirrors1
2014Mother of Pearl / Heart SpeakNeed for Mirrors2
2014Totem / NovateDLR, Nymfo, Need for Mirrors & HLZ / DLR3
2016Walk (Charlie’s Song) / Falling WaterNeed for Mirrors1
2016Willow Grain / 808 MindstateNeed for Mirrors1
2017Ethos / PushNeed for Mirrors1
2017Welcome / Day of MercuryJonny L / Need for Mirrors1
2018My Girl / Speedy BoardingNeed for Mirrors1
2019Arp Tune / ReverieNeed for Mirrors1

Single + Remix

2021Peng VIPNeed for Mirrors31
2021Thugga (Serum remix)Need for Mirrors1


2011Super Earth EPNeed for Mirrors1
2012MethxxNeed for Mirrors1
2013Reset EPNeed for Mirrors1
2013Gunga P EPNeed for Mirrors1
2014Rotor EPNeed for Mirrors & HLZ1
2014Blow Fish EPNeed for Mirrors1
2014Bredren EPNeed for Mirrors1
2014Food E.P.Need for Mirrors2
2014Sacred Heart EP.Need for Mirrors2
2015Chariot EPNeed for Mirrors2
2016Monument EPNeed for Mirrors1
2016LVRS EPNeed for Mirrors1
2016Wood & Water EPNeed for Mirrors1
2016Hurts EPNeed for Mirrors1
2017Shifting Tones EPNeed for Mirrors & Phil Tangent1
2017Vantage EPNeed for Mirrors1
2017Dead PoetsNeed for Mirrors2
2017Waves Form EPNeed for Mirrors1
2017Dimmer EPNeed for Mirrors1
2017Mutiny EPNeed for Mirrors1
2017Hazy EPNeed for Mirrors2
2017Pagan EPNeed for Mirrors1
2018Veto EPNeed for Mirrors1
2018Boaty EPNeed for Mirrors1
2018Slaves of Empire EPNeed for Mirrors1
2018Crystalline EPNeed for Mirrors1
2019Royal Blood EPNeed for Mirrors1
2019Cactus EPNeed for Mirrors1
2019Peng EPNeed for Mirrors1
2019No Nukes EPNeed for Mirrors1
2019Surf Club EPNeed for Mirrors1
2019Glasgow EPNeed for Mirrors1
2020Cold HarbourNeed for Mirrors1
2020Bubbles EPNeed for Mirrors1
2020Fumes EPNeed for Mirrors1
2021Ultra Violin EPNeed for Mirrors1
2021Game of TonesNeed for Mirrors1
2022VampiresNeed for Mirrors1
2022Liberation EPNeed for Mirrors1
2022NerdNeed for Mirrors1
2022Toxxxic EPNeed for Mirrors1

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