
member of:Tangerine Dream (from 1989 until 2006)
Loom (Froese / Schmoelling / Waters) (from 2011 to present)
parents:Edgar Froese
Monique Froese
Discogs: [info]
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VIAF ID:79739492 [info]
Wikidata:Q74850 [info]
Bandcamp: [info]


DateTitleCredited AsAttributesArtistLength
A Day in Liberty ValleyTangerine Dream5:37
A Fair Days WageTangerine Dream8:09
Brain OffenderTangerine Dream5:53
For the Summit OnlyTangerine Dream7:57
J.S. Bach SonataTangerine Dream2:53
No Pleasure No PainTangerine Dream5:52
Phoenix BurningTangerine Dream7:35
Prophet in ChainsTangerine Dream7:43
Royal Way of PrivacyTangerine Dream8:38
Snow on Angel’s FeatherTangerine Dream5:34
The Courage to LoseTangerine Dream8:03
Birdwatcher’s DreamTangerine Dream6:52
Bride in Cold TearsTangerine Dream4:54
CatwalkTangerine Dream7:19
Lamb with Radar EyesTangerine Dream8:42
On Cranes’ PassageTangerine Dream4:31
Rising Haul in SilenceTangerine Dream7:36
Towards the Evening StarTangerine Dream6:19
Birdwatcher’s Dreamkeyboard [keyboards]Tangerine Dream6:52
Bride in Cold Tearskeyboard [keyboards]Tangerine Dream4:54
Bride in Cold Tearsdrums (drum set) [drumming]Tangerine Dream4:54
Bride in Cold TearspercussionTangerine Dream4:54
Catwalkkeyboard [keyboards]Tangerine Dream7:19
Catwalkdrums (drum set) [drumming]Tangerine Dream7:19
Haze of FamepercussionTangerine Dream8:30
Little Blonde in the Park of Attractionsguitar [lead guitar]Tangerine Dream6:57
Little Blonde in the Park of AttractionspercussionTangerine Dream6:57
Little Blonde in the Park of Attractionsdrums (drum set) [drumming]Tangerine Dream6:57
Little Blonde in the Park of Attractionskeyboard [keyboards]Tangerine Dream6:57
Little Blonde in the Park of Attractionsguitar [rhythm guitar]Tangerine Dream6:57
Living in a Fountain PenpercussionTangerine Dream7:00
Radio Cityelectric guitar and guestTangerine Dream4:08
Stratosfear 1995drums (drum set) [drumming]Tangerine Dream5:09
Stratosfear 1995keyboard [keyboards]Tangerine Dream5:09
Tyranny of Beautykeyboard [keyboards]Tangerine Dream6:35
Tyranny of Beautydrums (drum set) [drumming]Tangerine Dream6:35
220 Volt (live, 1992: USA)Tangerine Dream9:02
Astrophobia (Red Supernova mix) (live, 2001-08-31: Most Świętokrzyski, Warsaw, Poland)Tangerine Dream9:27
Backstreet Hero (live, 1992: USA)Tangerine Dream8:49
Beauty of the Blast (live, 2001-08-31: Most Świętokrzyski, Warsaw, Poland)Tangerine Dream5:36
Between Realities (live, 2001-08-31: Most Świętokrzyski, Warsaw, Poland)Tangerine Dream2:53
Bridge Music (live, 2001-08-31: Most Świętokrzyski, Warsaw, Poland)Tangerine Dream2:41
Comet’s Figure Head (live, 2001-08-31: Most Świętokrzyski, Warsaw, Poland)Tangerine Dream10:30
Diamonds and Dust (live, 2001-08-31: Most Świętokrzyski, Warsaw, Poland)Tangerine Dream11:24
Dreamtime (live, 1992: USA)Tangerine Dream3:48
Force Majeure (live, 2001-08-31: Most Świętokrzyski, Warsaw, Poland)Tangerine Dream5:42
Going West (live, 2001-08-31: Most Świętokrzyski, Warsaw, Poland)Tangerine Dream5:26
Hamlet (live, 1992: USA)Tangerine Dream8:30
Homeless (live, 1992: USA)Tangerine Dream9:52
Introduction (live, 2001-08-31: Most Świętokrzyski, Warsaw, Poland)Tangerine Dream3:43
Lamb With Radar Eyes (live, 2001-08-31: Most Świętokrzyski, Warsaw, Poland)Tangerine Dream8:29
Longing for Cashba (live, 2001-08-31: Most Świętokrzyski, Warsaw, Poland)Tangerine Dream5:56
Mobocaster (live, 2001-08-31: Most Świętokrzyski, Warsaw, Poland)Tangerine Dream8:40
Oriental Haze (live, 1992: USA)Tangerine Dream6:52
Outland (The Colony) (live, 2001-08-31: Most Świętokrzyski, Warsaw, Poland)Tangerine Dream12:17
Prime Time (live, 2001-08-31: Most Świętokrzyski, Warsaw, Poland)Tangerine Dream9:57
Purple Haze (live, 1992: USA)Tangerine Dream3:35
Sony Center Topping Out Ceremony Score (live, 2001-08-31: Most Świętokrzyski, Warsaw, Poland)Tangerine Dream8:55
Stereolight (live, 2001-08-31: Most Świętokrzyski, Warsaw, Poland)Tangerine Dream8:08
Sundance Kid (live, 1992: USA)Tangerine Dream8:04
The Blue Bridge (live, 1992: USA)Tangerine Dream4:47
The Bridge Song (live, 2001-08-31: Most Świętokrzyski, Warsaw, Poland)Tangerine Dream5:51
The Comfort Zone (live, 2001-08-31: Most Świętokrzyski, Warsaw, Poland)Tangerine Dream10:40
The Spirit of the Czar (live, 2001-08-31: Most Świętokrzyski, Warsaw, Poland)Tangerine Dream8:52
TimeSquare (The Legendary N.Y. Brix mix) (live, 2001-08-31: Most Świętokrzyski, Warsaw, Poland)Tangerine Dream10:47
Towards the Evening Star (Blue Gravity mix) (live, 2001-08-31: Most Świętokrzyski, Warsaw, Poland)Tangerine Dream12:05
Treasure of Innocence (live, 1992: USA)Tangerine Dream3:41
Two Bunch Palms (live, 1992: USA)Tangerine Dream5:48
Warsaw in the Sun (live, 2001-08-31: Most Świętokrzyski, Warsaw, Poland)Tangerine Dream5:48
Lowland Lowriders (Jerome Froese Retouched mix)Andy Bell5:18
1990-02-20: Tangerine Tree Volume 49r: Berlin 1990Tangerine Dream
1990-11-01: Tangerine Tree Volume 90: Newcastle 1990Tangerine Dream
2001-10-07: Tangerine Tree Volume 3: Bernau 2001Tangerine Dream
2001-10-07: Tangerine Tree Volume 3: Bernau 2001Tangerine Dream
2005-07-08: Tangerine Leaves Volume 76: Berlin 2005Tangerine Dream
Ambient MonkeysTangerine Dream
Birdwatcher's Dream
Bride in Cold Tears
Haze of Fame
Little Blonde in the Park of Attractions
Living in a Fountain Pen
Tyranny of Beauty
220 Volt
A Day in Liberty Valley (Mota Atma)
A Fair Days Wage (Mota Atma)
A Mellow Morning
A Mother’s Triumph
A Nautical Night
A Room in the House Closed to the Public
A Walk Through the Woods
Above the Great Dry Land
Alchemy of Straw
Art of Destruction (What a Blast)
Art of Vision
As the Sun Moves Towards Heaven
At Darwin's Motel
Backstreet Hero
Beaver Town
Below the Playfield
Big City Dwarves
Birdwatcher's Dream
Body Corporate
Brain Offender (Mota Atma)
Bride in Cold Tears
Calyx CalamanderJ. Froese
Campera de Mon GlyanJ. Froese
Cartoony Universe
Cedar Breaks (Oasis)
Change of the Gods
Chia Maroon (Oasis)
Cliff Dwellers (Oasis)
Colorado Dawn (Canyon Dreams)
Comet's Figure Head
Cool at Heart
Cosmic Merriment
Cradle of Prodigies (Great Wall of China)
Cries and Whispers
Crystal Red
Dance on the Hill
Death of a Nightingale
Desert Train
Digital Sister
Dolls in the Shadow
Electric Lion
Elysium Basin
Emerald Suite
Final Movement
Flashflood (Oasis)
For the Summit Only (Mota Atma)
Forced to Surrender (What a Blast)
Funky Atlanta
Galley Slave's Horizon
Girls on Broadway
Graffiti Street
Haze of Fame
Helium County
Hopi Mesa Heart (Oasis)
I Just Want to Rule My Own Life Without You
Jungle Jacula
Jungle Journey
Justice of the Karma Law
La marche
La solitude dans l'espoir
Lamb With Radar Eyes
Le combat du sang
Lemon Vendor KhalyJ. Froese
Lifted Veil
Little Blonde in the Park of Attractions
Living in a Fountain Pen
Losing the Perspective
Marte Vallis
Meng Tian (Great Wall of China)
Midwinter Night
Missing Link (Zoning)
Modulation Agents
Moon MarbleJ. Froese
My Reality at 52 Degrees of Latitude
Myopia WorldJ. Froese
No Pleasure No Pain (Mota Atma)
On Cranes’ Passage
One Night in Medina
Oriental Haze
Pantha RheiJ. Froese
Paranormal Skills
Penguin Reference
Perplex Parts
Phoenix Burning (Mota Atma)
Pilots of the Ether Belt
Pixel Pirates
Polaroids From Anywhere
Prophet in Chains (Mota Atma)
Quartermaster’s Nightmare
See all 160 relationships
A Grand Solar Minimum
A Night Out at the Cirqus Voltaire
Agent or Police?
Bit Byter
Chants Beyond the Underworld
Cobalt Rain
Crossed Fingers
Dead Evidence
Ice Angel
Parsec Flying
Quantal Highways
Saltwater Heaven
The Light That Failed
The Switch
The Vedic Ritual