

1999A Matter of TimeHilltop Hoods1
2001Left Foot, Right FootHilltop Hoods21
2003The CallingHilltop Hoods2
2006The Hard RoadHilltop Hoods2
2009State of the ArtHilltop Hoods4
2012Drinking From the SunHilltop Hoods6
2014Walking Under StarsHilltop Hoods3
2019The Great ExpanseHilltop Hoods6

Album + Live

2005The Calling LiveHilltop Hoods1
2007City of LightHilltop Hoods1

Album + Remix

2007The Hard Road: RestrungHilltop Hoods2
2016Drinking From the Sun, Walking Under Stars: RestrungHilltop Hoods3


2006Clown PrinceHilltop Hoods1
2006The Hard Road (Single)Hilltop Hoods1
2006What a Great NightHilltop Hoods1
2009Chase That FeelingHilltop Hoods31
2009Still StandingHilltop Hoods1
2009The Light You BurnedHilltop Hoods1
2011I Love ItHilltop Hoods feat. Sia1
2014Won’t Let You DownHilltop Hoods feat. Maverick Sabre51
2015HigherHilltop Hoods feat. James Chatburn1
20161955Hilltop Hoods feat. Montaigne & Tom Thum1
20162016 Golden Era CypherHilltop Hoods, Funkoars, A.B. Original, Briggs, Vents, K21 & Purpose1
2020I'm Good?Hilltop Hoods1
Cosby SweaterHilltop Hoods0
Clark GriswoldHilltop Hoods0
Dumb EnoughHilltop Hoods0
Exit SignHilltop Hoods0
Live and Let GoHilltop Hoods0
Leave Me LonelyHilltop Hoods0
Pyramid BuildingHilltop Hoods0
Rattling the Keys to the KingdomHilltop Hoods0
Recapturing the Vibe RestrungHilltop Hoods0
Speaking in TonguesHilltop Hoods0
Shredding the BalloonHilltop Hoods0
Testimonial YearHilltop Hoods0
The Nosebleed SectionHilltop Hoods0
Walking Under StarsHilltop Hoods0


1997Back Once AgainHilltop Hoods2

EP + Remix

2012The Good Life in the SunHilltop Hoods1

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