Tampa Red

~ Person


member of:Chicago Five (ended)
The Black Hill Billies
Chicago Black Swans
Tampa Red’s Hokum Jug Band
part of:Blues Hall of Fame: Performers (number: 1981) (order: 24)
Discogs:https://www.discogs.com/artist/307268 [info]
Discogs (as Hudson Whittaker):https://www.discogs.com/artist/801094 [info]
other databases:http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n92117137 [info]
http://snaccooperative.org/ark:/99166/w6g009wj [info]
https://d-nb.info/gnd/134555902 [info]
https://nla.gov.au/nla.party-1045793 [info]
https://rateyourmusic.com/artist/tampa_red [info]
https://www.worldcat.org/identities/lccn-n92117137 [info]
Allmusic:https://www.allmusic.com/artist/mn0000178880 [info]
SecondHandSongs:https://secondhandsongs.com/artist/13948 [info]
VIAF ID:120789174 [info]
Wikidata:Q1345751 [info]


DateTitleCredited AsAttributesArtistLength
1928-05Through Train BluesguitarTampa Red2:47
1928-09Black Eye Blues (take 1)guitarMa Rainey3:21
1928-09Black Eye Blues (take 2)guitarMa Rainey3:14
1928-09Blame It on the BluesguitarMa Rainey3:12
1928-09Daddy, Goodbye BluesguitarMa Rainey3:14
1928-09Leavin’ This MorningguitarMa Rainey3:09
1928-09Runaway BluesguitarMa Rainey2:29
1928-09Sleep Talking Blues (take 1)guitarMa Rainey3:14
1928-09Sleep Talking Blues (take 2)guitarMa Rainey3:19
1928-09Sweet Rough ManguitarMa Rainey3:08
1928-09The Alley Crap GameguitarFoster and Harris3:03
1928-09Tough Luck BluesguitarMa Rainey3:07
1928-10-13Some Cold Rainy DayguitarBertha “Chippie” Hill3:22
1928-10-24It’s Tight Like ThatguitarTampa Red’s Hokum Jug Band3:04
1928-10-31Down the AlleyguitarTampa Red’s Hokum Jug Band3:14
1928-10-31Good Gordon GinguitarTampa Red’s Hokum Jug Band2:51
1928-10Death Bell BluesguitarMadlyn Davis2:57
1928-10Gold Tooth Papa BluesguitarMadlyn Davis2:41
1928-10It's Red HotguitarMadlyn Davis3:11
1928-10Too Black BadguitarMadlyn Davis3:11
1928-11-09How Long How Long BluesguitarTampa Red’s Hokum Jug Band3:06
1928-11-09It’s Tight Like ThatguitarTampa Red’s Hokum Jug Band2:44
1928-11-09You Can’t Come InguitarTampa Red’s Hokum Jug Band3:06
1928-12-05It’s Tight Like That, No. 2 (matrix C-2638)guitarTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:42
1928-12-11(Honey) It's Tight Like ThatguitarPapa Too Sweet2:38
1928-12-11Big Fat MamaguitarPapa Too Sweet3:39
1928-12-11Big Fat MamaguitarPapa Too Sweet3:39
1928-12Beedle Um BumguitarThe Hokum Boys2:49
1928-12Selling That StuffguitarThe Hokum Boys2:53
1929-01-09Jelly Whippin’ BluesguitarTampa Red with Georgia Tom3:11
1929-01-09Juicy Lemon BluesguitarTampa Red with Georgia Tom3:06
1929-01-12Chicago Moan Blues (matrix C-2778)guitarTampa Red and Georgia Tom3:11
1929-01-12It’s Tight Like That, No. 3guitarTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:51
1929-01-12Panama BluesguitarState Street Stompers3:12
1929-01-12Rolling Mill Stomp (take 1)guitarState Street Stompers3:13
1929-01-12Rolling Mill Stomp (take 2)guitarState Street Stompers3:11
1929-01-12Train Time BluesguitarTampa Red with Georgia Tom3:31
1929-01-12Uncle BudguitarTampa Red with Georgia Tom2:41
1929-01-14It’s Tight Like That, No. 2 (matrix C-2638)guitarTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:42
1929-01-14Train Time BluesguitarTampa Red with Georgia Tom3:31
1929-01-16How Long How Long BluesguitarTampa Red’s Hokum Jug Band3:06
1929-01-16It’s Tight Like ThatguitarTampa Red “The Guitar Wizard”2:49
1929-02Selling That StuffguitarThe Hokum Boys2:53
1929-04-10I'm Gonna Tell You in Front So You Won't Feel Hurt BeindguitarCow Cow Davenport & Sam Theard3:24
1929-04-10That'll Get ItguitarCow Cow Davenport & Sam Theard3:22
1929-04-12Mess, Katie, MessguitarTampa Red’s Hokum Jug Band2:59
1929-04-12Sho’ Is HotguitarTampa Red’s Hokum Jug Band3:13
1929-04-13Boot It BoyguitarTampa Red’s Hokum Jug Band2:59
1929-04-13My Daddy Rocks Me (with One Steady Roll)guitarTampa Red’s Hokum Jug Band3:23
1929-05-02Givin’ It AwayguitarTampa Red and Georgia Tom3:07
1929-05-02What You Gonna Do?guitarTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:55
1929-05-09It’s So NiceguitarTampa Red and Georgia Tom3:20
1929-05-09Voice of the BluesguitarTampa Red and Georgia Tom3:03
1929-05-11Come and Go to That LandguitarGospel Camp Meeting Singers2:53
1929-05-11Hold to His HandguitarGospel Camp Meeting Singers2:59
1929-05-13The Duck Yas‐Yas‐YasguitarTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:55
1929-05-25Pat That BreadguitarGeorgia Tom and Tampa Red2:41
1929-06-11It’s HeatedguitarFrankie “Half Pint” Jaxon3:29
1929-06-11Jive Man BluesguitarFrankie “Half Pint” Jaxon2:51
1929-06-13What Is That Tastes Like Gravy?guitarTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:50
1929-06-13You Better Tighten Up on ItguitarTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:47
1929-06-22Prison Bound Bluesguitar and soloTampa Red3:29
1929-06-22You Got to Reap What You SowguitarTampa Red3:20
1929-06-27House Rent ScuffleguitarLil Johnson2:49
1929-06-27House Rent ScuffleguitarLil Johnson2:51
1929-07-09Come On Mama, Do That DanceguitarTampa Red & His Hokum Jug Band2:51
1929-07-09I Wonder Where My Easy Rider’s Gone?guitarTampa Red & His Hokum Jug Band2:49
1929-07-12Friendless BluesguitarTampa Red and Georgia Tom3:08
1929-07-23Mama Don’t Allow No Easy Riders HereguitarTampa Red & His Hokum Jug Band3:14
1929-07-23Saturday Night ScrontchguitarTampa Red & His Hokum Jug Band3:16
1929-09-04Mama Don’t Allow No Easy Riders HereguitarTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:56
1929-09-04Strewin’ Your MessguitarTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:52
1929-09-05Dying Mercy BluesguitarTampa Red3:11
1929-09-23Doggin’ Me Around BluesguitarJenny Pope3:07
1929-09-23Whiskey Drinkin’ BluesguitarJenny Pope3:15
1929-10-14Jim Jackson’s Jamboree - Part IguitarJim Jackson3:12
1929-10-14Jim Jackson’s Jamboree - Part IIguitarJim Jackson3:06
1929-11-19Worried Man BluesguitarTampa Red and Georgia Tom3:20
1929-12-17Mrs. Baker’s BluesguitarTampa Red3:13
1929-12-23Corinne CorinnaguitarTampa Red and Georgia Tom3:00
1929-12-23Kunjine BabyguitarGeorgia Tom, Tampa Red and Frankie Jaxon3:07
1930-01-28Station Time BluesguitarTampa Red3:05
1930-01-28That Stuff You SellguitarTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:19
1930-02-07Chicago Moan Blues (matrix C-5271)guitarTampa Red3:18
1930-02-07Moanin’ Heart Bluesguitar and soloTampa Red2:50
1930-03Black Hearted BluesguitarTampa Red3:18
1930-04But They Got It Fixed Right OnguitarTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:57
1930-04Corinne Corinna, Part 2guitarTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:46
1930-06Cryin’ Shame BluesguitarTampa Red3:06
1930-06I. C. Moan BluesguitarTampa Red3:01
1930-06The Dirty Dozen no. 2guitarTampa Red3:16
1930-07Have Ever Been Worried in Mind, Part 1guitarSweet Papa Tadpole3:11
1930-07Have Ever Been Worried in Mind, Part 2guitarSweet Papa Tadpole3:07
1930-07Keep Your Yes Ma’Am CleanguitarSweet Papa Tadpole2:42
1930-07You Baby Can’t Get EnoughguitarSweet Papa Tadpole3:13
1930-07You Rascal You, No. 1guitarTampa Red and Georgia Tom3:14
1930-07You Rascal You, No. 2guitarTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:38
1930-08You Rascal YouguitarTampa Red & His Hokum Jug Band2:57
1930-09She Can Love So GoodguitarTampa Red & His Hokum Jug Band3:18
1930-12Bear Cat’s KittenguitarTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:49
See all 559 relationships
1934-10-27Worried Devil BluesHudson WhittakerTampa Red3:25
1928-05Through Train Blueslead vocalsTampa Red2:47
1928-10-24It’s Tight Like ThatTampa Red’s Hokum Jug Band3:04
1928-12-05It’s Tight Like That, No. 2 (matrix C-2638)Tampa Red and Georgia Tom2:42
1928-12Beedle Um BumThe Hokum Boys2:49
1928-12Selling That StuffThe Hokum Boys2:53
1929-01-09Jelly Whippin’ BluesTampa Red with Georgia Tom3:11
1929-01-12Chicago Moan Blues (matrix C-2778)Tampa Red and Georgia Tom3:11
1929-01-12It’s Tight Like That, No. 3Tampa Red and Georgia Tom2:51
1929-01-12Train Time BluesTampa Red with Georgia Tom3:31
1929-01-12Uncle BudTampa Red with Georgia Tom2:41
1929-01-14It’s Tight Like That, No. 2 (matrix C-2638)Tampa Red and Georgia Tom2:42
1929-01-14Train Time Blueslead vocalsTampa Red with Georgia Tom3:31
1929-05-02Givin’ It Awaylead vocalsTampa Red and Georgia Tom3:07
1929-05-02What You Gonna Do?lead vocalsTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:55
1929-05-09It’s So Nicelead vocalsTampa Red and Georgia Tom3:20
1929-05-13The Duck Yas‐Yas‐YasTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:55
1929-05-25Pat That BreadGeorgia Tom and Tampa Red2:41
1929-06-13What Is That Tastes Like Gravy?lead vocalsTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:50
1929-06-13You Better Tighten Up on Itlead vocalsTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:47
1929-07-12Friendless BluesTampa Red and Georgia Tom3:08
1929-09-04Mama Don’t Allow No Easy Riders HereTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:56
1929-09-04Strewin’ Your MessTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:52
1929-09-05Dying Mercy BluesTampa Red3:11
1929-09-05Head Rag Hopspoken vocals [speech]Iromeio 'Romeo' Nelson3:00
1929-10-14Jim Jackson’s Jamboree - Part IJim Jackson3:12
1929-10-14Jim Jackson’s Jamboree - Part IIJim Jackson3:06
1929-11-19Worried Man BluesTampa Red and Georgia Tom3:20
1929-12-17Mrs. Baker’s BluesTampa Red3:13
1929-12-23Corinne CorinnaTampa Red and Georgia Tom3:00
1929-12-23Kunjine BabyGeorgia Tom, Tampa Red and Frankie Jaxon3:07
1930-01-28Station Time BluesTampa Red3:05
1930-01-28That Stuff You SellTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:19
1930-03Black Hearted BluesTampa Red3:18
1930-04But They Got It Fixed Right OnTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:57
1930-04Corinne Corinna, Part 2Tampa Red and Georgia Tom2:46
1930-06Cryin’ Shame BluesTampa Red3:06
1930-06I. C. Moan BluesTampa Red3:01
1930-06The Dirty Dozen no. 2Tampa Red3:16
1930-07You Rascal You, No. 1Tampa Red and Georgia Tom3:14
1930-07You Rascal You, No. 2Tampa Red and Georgia Tom2:38
1930-12Bear Cat’s KittenTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:49
1930-12Jealous Hearted Mama BluesTampa Red2:58
1930-12Unhappy BluesTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:57
1931-01-07 – 1931-01-08They Call It Boogie WoogieTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:29
1931-01-07 – 1931-01-08Toogaloo BluesTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:57
1931-01-28Jinx Doctor BluesTampa Red3:08
1931-02-06Georgia Georgia BluesTampa Red “The Guitar Wizard”3:12
1931-02-06New Stranger BluesTampa Red3:07
1931-02-10Cotton Seed BluesTampa Red2:57
1931-02-10Things ’bout Coming My WayTampa Red3:28
1931-06-01Down in Spirit BluesTampa Red3:00
1931-06-01Stop and Listen BluesTampa Red2:58
1931-10-24Depression BluesTampa Red2:58
1931-10-24Mama Don’t You Leave Me HereTampa Red3:12
1931-10-24Please Mister BluesTampa Red2:57
1931-10-24Sad News BluesTampa Red3:23
1932-02-03Don’t Leave Me HereTampa Red2:45
1932-02-03No Matter How She Done ItTampa Red and Georgia Tom3:18
1932-02-03Reckless Man BluesTampa Red2:52
1932-02-04Dead Cats on the LineTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:47
1932-02-04Things ’bout Coming My Way, No. 2Tampa Red3:12
1932-02-04You Can’t Get That Stuff No MoreTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:58
1932-05-07Turpentine BluesTampa Red “The Guitar Wizard”3:24
1932-05-07Western Bound BluesTampa Red3:19
1934-03-22I’ll Find My WayTampa Red3:14
1934-03-22I’ll Kill Your SoulTampa Red2:59
1934-03-22If I Let You Get Away With It (You'll Do It All the Time)Tampa Red3:24
1934-03-22Kingfish BluesTampa Red3:09
1934-03-22Nobody’s Sweetheart NowTampa Red2:50
1934-03-22You Don’t Want Me BluesTampa Red3:23
1934-03-22You’ve Got to Do BetterTampa Red3:11
1934-03-23Black Angel BluesTampa Red3:28
1934-03-23Sugar Mama Blues, No. 1Tampa Red3:26
1934-03-23Sugar Mama Blues, No. 2Tampa Red3:20
1934-03-23That Stuff Is HereTampa Red3:23
1934-04-25Dead Cats on the LineTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:47
1934-04-25Don’t Leave Me HereTampa Red2:45
1934-04-25Reckless Man BluesTampa Red2:52
1934-04-25You Can’t Get That Stuff No MoreTampa Red and Georgia Tom2:58
1934-05-12Sugar Mama Blues, No. 1Tampa Red3:26
1934-05-12Sugar Mama Blues, No. 2Tampa Red3:20
1934-05-12That Stuff Is HereTampa Red3:23
1934-06-14Give It Up Buddy and Get Goin’Tampa Red2:36
1934-06-14Grievin' & Worryin' BluesTampa Red3:04
1934-06-14I Still Got California on My MindTampa Red2:58
1934-06-14I’m Just Crazy ’Bout YouTampa Red2:53
1934-06-14Mean Mistreater BluesTampa Red2:48
1934-06-14Somebody’s Been Using That Thing (take 1)Tampa Red3:00
1934-06-14Somebody’s Been Using That Thing (take 2)Tampa Red3:12
1934-10-27Christmas and New Year’s BluesTampa Red3:26
1934-10-27Happy JackTampa Red3:12
1934-10-27I’ll Get a Break Some DayTampa Red2:39
1934-10-27I’m So Disappointed in YouTampa Red2:47
1934-10-27Stockyard FireTampa Red3:16
1934-10-27Sweet WomanTampa Red3:17
1934-10-27Witchin’ Hour BluesTampa Red3:15
1934-10-27Worried Devil BluesTampa Red3:25
1935-02-26Don’t Dog Your WomanTampa Red3:34
1935-02-26If It Ain’t That Gal of MineTampa Red3:02
1935-02-26Mean Old Tom Cat Blues (take 1)Tampa Red2:52
See all 308 relationships
1940Don’t You Lie to Me (Fats Domino’s version)Hudson Whittaker
1940Don’t You Lie to Me (Chuck Berry’s version)Hudson Whittaker
All Night LongHudson Whittaker
Annie Lou
Denver BluesHudson Whittaker
Don’t You Lie to MeHudson Whittaker
I Get Evil
If You Want Me to Love You
It Hurts Me Too (Bob Dylan arrangement)
King Fish Blues
Let Me Play With Your Poodle
Miss Baker's BluesHudson Whittaker
No Matter How She Done ItHudson Whittaker
She Want to Sell My MonkeyHudson Whittaker
She’s DynamiteHudson Whittaker
Stop Truckin' and Suzie-QHudson Whittaker
Sugar Mama
1940Don’t You Lie to Me (Fats Domino’s version)Hudson Whittaker
1940Don’t You Lie to Me (Chuck Berry’s version)Hudson Whittaker
All Night LongHudson Whittaker
Annie Lou
Denver BluesHudson Whittaker
Don’t You Lie to MeHudson Whittaker
I Get Evil
It Hurts Me Too (Bob Dylan arrangement)
King Fish Blues
Let Me Play With Your Poodle
No Matter How She Done ItHudson Whittaker
She Want to Sell My MonkeyHudson Whittaker
She’s DynamiteHudson Whittaker
Stop Truckin' and Suzie-QHudson Whittaker
All Night LongHudson Whittaker
Atlanta MoanHudson Whittaker
Boogie Woogie DanceHudson Whittaker
Green and Lucky Blues
I Ain't fur ItHudson Whittaker
I'll Get a Break Some Day
I'm Gonna Get HighHudson Whittaker
It Hurts Me TooHudson Whittaker
It’s Tight Like ThatHudson Whittaker
Let's Talk It OverHudson Whittaker
Love Her With a Feeling
She's Love Crazy
Uncle BudHudson Whittaker