Jello Biafra (former lead singer of Dead Kennedys)

~ Person

Legal name: Eric Reed Boucher

Also performs as: Count Ringworm, Occupant (Jello Biafra), Osama McDonald



1989Last Scream of the Missing NeighborsJello Biafra With D.O.A.3
1991The Sky Is Falling and I Want My MommyJello Biafra With NoMeansNo3.653
1994Prairie Home InvasionJello Biafra & Mojo Nixon with the Toadliquors2
2004Never Breathe What You Can’t SeeJello Biafra with the Melvins2
2005Sieg Howdy!Jello Biafra with the Melvins2
2015Walk On Jindals SplintersJello Biafra and The New Orleans Raunch And Soul All-Stars1

Album + Spokenword

1991I Blow Minds for a LivingJello Biafra1
2000Become the MediaJello Biafra1
2002The Big Ka-Boom, Part OneJello Biafra1
2006In the Grip of Official TreasonJello Biafra1


1991Die for Oil, SuckerJello Biafra1
1993Will the Fetus Be Aborted?Jello Biafra & Mojo Nixon with the Toadliquors2
2012We OccupyD.O.A. feat. Jello Biafra1

Other + Spokenword

1987No More CocoonsJello Biafra2
1989High Priest of Harmful Matter: Tales From the TrialJello Biafra1
1991I Blow Minds for a LivingJello Biafra1
1994Beyond the Valley of the Gift PoliceJello Biafra1
1998If Evolution Is Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will EvolveJello Biafra1
2002Machine Gun in the Clown's HandJello Biafra1

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