
Seasons / Hazy ParadiseEarth and Fire7" Vinyl2
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)S 1335[none]
Storm and ThunderEarth and Fire7" Vinyl2
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)2050 133[none]
Reality Fills FantasyEarth and FireCD8
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)835 083-2042283508323
Andromeda GirlEarth and FireCD9
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)835 084-2042283508422
Diamond Star CollectionEarth and FireCD16
Diamond (Dutch compilation label active in western Europe)88002424014548002422
Andromeda GirlEarth and FireCD9
Spectrum Music (Universal Music Group budget label)552 137-2731455213720
Gate to InfinityEarth and FireCD10
Won-Sin Music CompanyWS 885 660-28809288856604
To The World Of The FutureEarth and FireCD12
  • GB2011-06-27
Esoteric Recordings (a division of Cherry Red Records Ltd.)ECLEC 22795013929737921
The Very Best of Earth & FireEarth and FireCD14
Diamond (Dutch compilation label active in western Europe)01 6550 613351476550610
The Ultimate CollectionEarth and Fire3×CD18 + 18 + 9
Universal (plain logo “Universal” used by Universal Music and Universal Pictures)038 336-2044003833623
Earth & FireEarth and FireCD16
Rotation (a Universal Music label)064 399-2044006439921
Wild and Exciting / Vivid Shady LandEarth & Fire7" Vinyl2
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)2050 044
Memories / From the End Till the BeginningEarth & Fire7" Vinyl2
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)2050 179
Maybe Tomorrow, Maybe Tonight / Theme From "Atlantis"Earth and Fire7" Vinyl2
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)2050 242[none]
Gate to InfinityEarth and Fire12" Vinyl10
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)2374 131[none]
Superstarshine Vol. 2Earth and Fire12" Vinyl12
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)2419 029[none]
Earth and FireEarth and Fire12" Vinyl9
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)2441 011[none]
Greatest HitsEarth & Fire12" Vinyl16
2475 206[none]
AtlantisEarth and FireCD12
  • XE2010-07-22
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)273 815-00602527381503
Song of the Marching Children (Remastered)Earth and FireCD5
  • XE2010-08-27
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)274 473-50602527447353
Song of the Marching ChildrenEarth and FireVinyl5
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)2925 003
To the World of the FutureEarth and Fire12" Vinyl7
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)2925 033
The Golden Years of Dutch Pop Music: A&B SidesEarth and Fire2×CD21 + 22
  • NL2015-03-27
Universal Music (plain logo: “Universal Music”)471 666-40602547166647
Greatest HitsEarth and FireCD16
  • -1991
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)511 065-2731451106521
3 Originals (Repress)Earth and Fire2×CD13 + 19
  • NL1998-11-19
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)557 974-2731455797428
Wild and ExcitingEarth & FireCD16
Rotation (a Universal Music label)559 090-2731455909029
Memories (Complete Album Collection) (Limited Edition)Earth and Fire10×CD9 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 10 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 12 + 18
  • NL2017-02-03
Universal (plain logo “Universal” used by Universal Music and Universal Pictures)572 578-20602557257823
Song of the Marching ChildrenEarth and FireCD8
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)589 811-2731458981121
WeekendEarth and Fire7" Vinyl2
Vertigo (originally a British rock label; German since 1998)6012 968
Reality Fills FantasyEarth and Fire12" Vinyl8
Vertigo (originally a British rock label; German since 1998)6360 642
Andromeda GirlEarth and Fire12" Vinyl9
Vertigo (originally a British rock label; German since 1998)6399 2741
Earth and FireEarth and Fire12" Vinyl9
The First Five (Limited Edition)Earth and Fire6×CD + 12" Vinyl9 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 7 + 10 + 14
  • NL2019-05-31
Universal Music (plain logo: “Universal Music”)775 954-50602577595455
Song of the Marching Children / AtlantisEarth and FireCD11
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)831 641-20042283164123
PhoenixEarth and FireCD12
CNR (Dutch label, distributor and record company)860019
In a State of FluxEarth and FireVinyl10
The SinglesEarth and FireCD20
BR Music (NL-based reissue label)BX 505-28712089050525
Reality Fills FantasyEarth and FireCD8
Castle LegendsCLC 50154010946501529
Seasons / OsakaEarth And Fire / The Shoes7" Vinyl2
Joker (Italian label also releasing bootlegs)M 7072
Reality Fills FantasyEarth and FireCD8
  • -1998
Red Bullet (Dutch independent label)RB.66.1438712944661439
Andromeda GirlEarth and FireCD9
Red Bullet (Dutch independent label)RB.66.1448712944661446
Earth & FireEarth and FireCD18
Repertoire Records (Hamburg-based multinational reissue label)REP 4318-WY
Earth & FireEarth and FireCD14
AZZATP 3792-1919228713051919222
Earth and FireEarth and FireCD11
  • JP2004-09-16
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)UICY-94624988005370990
Song of the Marching ChildrenEarth and Fire(unknown)11
  • NL2009-09-18
Esoteric Recordseclec 21475013929724723
AtlantisEarth and Fire12" Vinyl6
Gate to InfinityEarth and Fire(unknown)6
Live in DelftEarth and Fire(unknown)12
Live in MünchenEarth and Fire2×(unknown)5 + 4
  • -1974
The SinglesEarth and Fire(unknown)20
  • -1995
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