Merle J. Isaac (arranger)

~ Person


1977 Florida All-State / Thirty-third Clinic Festival Concert Florida Music Educators AssociationVarious Artists12" Vinyl31
Silver Crest Custom (aka parent Crest Records of Huntington Station, NY, apparently to be confused with by-then long-defunct (per Wikipedia) Crest Records of California)FLA-1977[none]
1970 Mid-West National Band and Orchestra Clinic, Vol 3Dorothy Kunkel12" Vinyl11
  • US1970-12-16
Silver Crest Custom (aka parent Crest Records of Huntington Station, NY, apparently to be confused with by-then long-defunct (per Wikipedia) Crest Records of California)MID-70-3[none]
1974 Mid-West National Band and Orchestra ClinicDorothy Kunkel12" Vinyl11
Silver Crest Custom (aka parent Crest Records of Huntington Station, NY, apparently to be confused with by-then long-defunct (per Wikipedia) Crest Records of California)MID-74-?[none]
Belwin Conert & Intermediate Full OrchestraVarious Artists(unknown)15
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