James O’Donnell (organist and choir master)

~ Person



1988Missa ‘Salve Regina’ / Messe SolennelleJean Langlais; Westminster Cathedral Choir, English Chamber Orchestra Brass Ensemble, James OʼDonnell, Andrew Lumsden, David Hill2
1989Missa O Rex Gloriae / Missa Viri GalilaeiGiovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina; Westminster Cathedral Choir, James O’Donnell3
1990Missa Ave Maria / Missa beata virginePalestrina; Westminster Cathedral Choir, James O’Donnell1
1990Masterpieces of Mexican PolyphonyWestminster Cathedral Choir, James OʼDonnell2
1990Giovanni Francesco Anerio: Requiem / Felice Anerio: Six MotetsGiovanni Francesco Anerio, Felice Anerio; The Choir of Westminster Cathedral, James O’Donnell2
1991Symphony of Psalms / Mass / Canticum SacrumIgor Stravinsky; Westminster Cathedral Choir, City of London Sinfonia, James O’Donnell, John Mark Ainsley, Stephen Roberts1
1991Missa Aeterna Christi muneraPalestrina; Westminster Cathedral Choir, James O’Donnell2
1992Masterpieces of Portuguese Polyphony, Volume 2Westminster Cathedral Choir, James O’Donnell2
1992Missa Pange linguaJosquin des Prez; Westminster Cathedral Choir, James O’Donnell2
1993Missa Ave Maria / Sacris solemniis / Missa Nunca fue pena mayorFrancisco de Peñalosa; Choir of Westminster Cathedral, James O’Donnell2
1993Missa Queramus cum pastoribusCristóbal de Morales; Westminster Cathedral Choir, James OʼDonnell2
1993Panis Angelicus: Favourite Motets From Westminster CathedralWestminster Cathedral Choir, James O’Donnell, Iain Simcock1
1994Mass in GPoulenc; The Choir of Westminster Cathedral, Iain Simcock, James O’Donnell1
1995Requiem / Mass "Cum jubilo"Maurice Duruflé; Westminster Cathedral Choir, James O’Donnell1
1997Vierne: Messe solennelle / Widor: Messe à deux chœurs et deux orgues / Dupré: Quatre MotetsVierne, Widor, Dupré; Westminster Cathedral Choir, James O’Donnell1
1997Missa Sancta et immaculataGuerrero; Westminster Cathedral Choir, James O’Donnell2
1998Mortuus est Philippus RexWestminster Cathedral Choir, James O’Donnell2
1999Battle Mass: Missa de la batalla escoutezFrancisco Guerrero; Westminster Cathedral Choir, His Majestys Sagbutts and Cornetts, James O’Donnell2
1999Missa Ecce ego JoannesGiovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina; Westminster Cathedral Choir, James O’Donnell1
199920th Century Choral Works (- Apex)James O’Donnell & Westminster Cathedral Choir1
2000Westminster MassRoxanna Panufnik; Westminster Cathedral Choir, James O’Donnell1
2000Janáček: Mass in E-flat / Kodály: Missa Brevis / Laudes organiJanáček, Kodály; Westminster Cathedral Choir, Andrew Reid, James O’Donnell1
2005The Great ServiceByrd; Choir of Westminster Abbey, Robert Quinney, James O’Donnell1
2008The Feast of the Ascension at Westminster AbbeyChoir of Westminster Abbey, Robert Quinney, James O’Donnell1
2010O Praise the Lord: Restoration Music From Westminster AbbeyChoir of Westminster Abbey, Robert Quinney, James O’Donnell1
2011Music from the reign of King James IThe Choir of Westminster Abbey, Robert Quinney, James O’Donnell1
2012Missa Euge bone / Peccavimus / Western Wynde MassTye; The Choir of Westminster Abbey, James OʼDonnell2
2014Rejoice, the Lord Is King!The Choir of Westminster Abbey, James O’Donnell, Robert Quinney2
2014Music for RemembranceDuruflé, Vaughan Williams, Howells, Tavener, Moore; The Choir of Westminster Abbey, Britten Sinfonia, James OʼDonnell2
2015I was glad / Coronation Te Deum / The Great Service / Blest pair of sirensParry; The Choir of Westminster Abbey, Onyx Brass, Daniel Cook, James O’Donnell2
2016Western Wynde Mass / Missa Mater Christi sanctissimaTaverner; Choir of Westminster Abbey, James OʼDonnell2
2017Choral MusicFinzi, Bax, Ireland; The Choir of Westminster Abbey, Daniel Cook, James O’Donnell2
2018Ave Maria, ancilla Trinitatis / Missa Videte miraculumLudford; Choir of Westminster Abbey, James OʼDonnell2
2019Bairstow / Harris / StanfordBairstow, Harris, Stanford; Choir of Westminster Abbey, Peter Holder, James OʼDonnell2
2020Parry: Songs of Farewell / Stanford / Gray / WoodParry, Stanford, Gray, Wood; Choir of Westminster Abbey, James OʼDonnell2
2022Dove / Weir / MartinDove, Weir, Martin; Choir of Westminster Abbey, Peter Holder, James O’Donnell1
NoëlPro Cantione Antiqua, James O’Donnell2

Album + Compilation

1996Exultate DeoWestminster Cathedral Choir, James O’Donnell1
1998Martin: Mass for Double Choir / Passacaille for Organ / Pizzetti: Messa di Requiem / De profundisFrank Martin, Ildebrando Pizzetti; Westminster Cathedral Choir, James O’Donnell1

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