

1968Soul Organ ShowcaseAlan Hawkshaw, David Gold & Keith Mansfield2
1968UnderscoreJohnny Pearson / Keith Mansfield / David Lindup1
1969Kpm 1000 Series: Chorus and OrchestraKeith Mansfield & Syd Dale1
1969Beat IncidentalAlan Hawkshaw & Keith Mansfield2
1970Speed and ExcitementJohnny Pearson, Keith Mansfield & Alan Hawkshaw2
1973Big Business / Wind of ChangeKeith Mansfield, Alan Hawkshaw & David Snell2
1973Voices In HarmonyKeith Mansfield & John Cameron1
1976ContempoKeith Mansfield1
1976New DimensionKeith Mansfield1
1978Important Project / Wonders Of The World / EndeavourJohn Coleman / Keith Mansfield1
1979Night BirdKeith Mansfield2

Album + Soundtrack

1970Loot - Original SoundtrackKeith Mansfield, Richard Willing Denton - Steve Ellis1


1972Themes Suite / MustangKeith Mansfield1
1977Vivid UnderscoresKeith Mansfield1
1978National Heritage / Rural HeritageKeith Mansfield1
1981Technomatics: The Applications Of Science And TechnologyKeith Mansfield1
1982Blue PerspectivesKeith Mansfield & Terry Cox1
1982Historical PerspectiveKeith Mansfield1
1984OptionsKeith Mansfield1
1986Future PositiveKeith Mansfield2
1986Jingles and Programme Cues, Volume 8Keith Mansfield1
Communication TechnologyKeith Mansfield1
Fit to WinCurtis Schwartz & Keith Mansfield1
Good NewsKeith Mansfield1
Historical PerspectiveKeith Mansfield1
Ideas in Action, Volume 1Keith Mansfield1
Link UpKeith Mansfield1
LifeforceKeith Mansfield1
Natural ScienceKeith Mansfield1
Olympiad 2001Keith Mansfield1
Olympiad 2000Keith Mansfield1
Power HouseKeith Mansfield1
SurvivalKeith Mansfield1
Stepping StonesKeith Mansfield1
Sun FreshKeith Mansfield1
Swing of the CityKeith Mansfield1
The Decision MakersKeith Mansfield1

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