
Pawn Shoppe HeartThe Von BondiesCD13
  • JP2004-04-21
Sire Records, Warner Music (global imprint of Warner Music Group, ‘W’ logo either with “Warner Music” or no text)WPCR-11834
Pawn Shoppe HeartThe Von BondiesDigital Media12
Reprise Records, Sire Records093624873662
Love Hate and Then There's YouThe Von BondiesCD12
  • US2009-02-03
Majordomo Records826663-11078826663110784
Pawn Shoppe HeartThe Von BondiesCD12
  • GB2004-02-09
Sire Records9362-48549-2093624854920
Pawn Shoppe HeartThe Von BondiesCD12
  • US2004-03-09
Sire Records9362-48549-2093624854920
Pawn Shoppe HeartThe Von BondiesCD12
Sire RecordsCDW 48549093624854920
Tell Me What You SeeThe Von Bondies7" Vinyl1
Must…Destroy!!DESTROYER 2[none]
Nite TrainThe Von Bondies7" Vinyl2
D · wreckEd · hiTDET. 001
Raw and RareThe Von BondiesCD16
Dim Mak RecordsDM053
Raw and RareThe Von BondiesCD15
  • US2003-06-17
Dim Mak RecordsDM053
We Are Kamikazes Aiming Straight for Your HeartThe Von BondiesCD4
Cargo Records (Cargo Imports and Distribution - Canadian independent record label and distributor that Cargo Records (UK label) was originally a division of.)ITA0100CD5024545503524
Love Hate and Then There's YouThe Von Bondies2×CD12 + 5
Fierce Panda RecordsNONG61CD5020422096127
Tell Me What You SeeThe Von BondiesCD-R2
Sire RecordsPRO4828[none]
Lack of CommunicationThe Von BondiesVinyl11
Sympathy for the Record IndustrySFTRI 658[none]
Lack of CommunicationThe Von BondiesCD11
  • US2001-07-17
Sympathy for the Record IndustrySFTRI 6580790276065826
It Came From JapanThe Von Bondies7" Vinyl2
Sympathy for the Record IndustrySFTRI 667
Lack of CommunicationThe Von BondiesCD12
  • GB2002-05-06
Sweet NothingSNCD0155024545185621
Lack of CommunicationThe Von BondiesVinyl12
Sweet NothingSNLP0155024545185614
Tell Me What You SeeThe Von Bondies7" Vinyl2
Sire RecordsW639054391643377
Tell Me What You SeeThe Von BondiesCD5
Sire RecordsW639CD1093624272427
Pawn Shoppe HeartThe Von BondiesCD13
  • JP2004-04-27
Sire RecordsWPCR-11834
We Are Kamikazes Aiming Straight for Your HeartThe Von BondiesCD4
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none]
C’mon C’monThe Von BondiesCD3
  • XE2004-03-09
Black Eyes and Broken AmpsThe Von BondiesDigital Media16
  • -2004
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