
Out of the Frying PanWynder K. Frog12" Vinyl13
Island (imprint of Island Records, a division of Universal Music Group)ILPS 9082[none]
Out of the Frying PanWynder K. FrogCD13
  • JP2016-11-30
Big Pink, ViViD SOUND (imprint of VIVID SOUND CORPORATION (Japan))BIG PINK 447, VSCD-56964540399056968
Out of the Frying PanWynder K. FrogCD13
Big PinkBIG PINK 4478809270024516
Sunshine SuperfrogWynder K. FrogDigital Media12
Universal UMC602517566811
Out of the Frying PanWynder K. FrogDigital Media13
Universal UMC602567048725
Into the FireWynder K. FrogDigital Media8
Cherry Red Records (UK indie label)191773828349
Sunshine Super FrogWynder K. Frog12" Vinyl16
Wah Wah Records (Label of the Barcelona based record shop and distributor Wah Wah.)LPS 2104040824087975
Out of the Frying PanWynder K. Frog12" Vinyl14
Wah Wah Records (Label of the Barcelona based record shop and distributor Wah Wah.)LPS2114040824087982
Into the FireWynder K. Frog12" Vinyl10
Wah Wah Records (Label of the Barcelona based record shop and distributor Wah Wah.)LPS2124040824087999
Sunshine Super FrogWynder K. Frog12" Vinyl12
Island (imprint of Island Records, a division of Universal Music Group)ILP 944[none]
Shook Shimmy And Shake: The Complete Recordings 1966-1970Wynder K. Frog3×CD18 + 17 + 17
RPM (UK reissue label)RPMBX5405013929554009
Out of the Frying PanWynder K. Frog12" Vinyl12
United ArtistsUAS 6695[none]
Into the FireWynder K. Frog12" Vinyl8
United ArtistsUAS 6740[none]
Into the FireWynder K. FrogCD8
Walhalla Records (Reissues of Psychedelic Rock and Progressive Rock.)WH 903407365538903401
Sunshine Super FrogWynder K. FrogCD13
Walhalla Records (Reissues of Psychedelic Rock and Progressive Rock.)WH 903527365538903524
Out of the Frying PanWynder K. FrogCD14
Walhalla Records (Reissues of Psychedelic Rock and Progressive Rock.)WH 903537365538903531
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