Auguste Franchomme (composer)

~ Person



1994Grand Duo Concertant and other worksFranchomme, Chopin; Anner Bylsma, Lambert Orkis, L'Archibudelli, Smithsonian Chamber Players1
1997Le Violoncelle virtuoseAuguste Franchomme; Ensemble Explorations, Roel Dieltiens1
2015À Mon Ami: Works for Cello and PianoChopin, Franchomme; Beatriz Blanco, Federico Bosco1
2015The Franchomme Project: Newly Discovered Works by Auguste FranchommeAuguste Franchomme; Louise Dubin, Julia Bruskin, Sæunn Thorsteinsdóttir, Katherine Cherbas, Andrea Lam, Hélène Jeanney1

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