Norman Benno

~ Person


Discogs: [info]


DateTitleCredited AsAttributesArtistLength
1961-02All You Need Is a QuarterNorm BennooboeJune Christy3:28
1961-02Asking for YouNorm BennooboeBob Cooper2:36
1961-02Cry Like the WindNorm BennooboeJune Christy2:39
1961-02I Know About LoveNorm BennooboeBob Cooper3:01
1961-02Make Someone HappyNorm BennooboeJune Christy3:40
1967-01-03A Bid for FreedomoboeJerry Goldsmith1:23
1967-01-03Main TitleoboeJerry Goldsmith2:14
1967-01-03No EscapeoboeJerry Goldsmith5:18
1967-01-03The CaveoboeJerry Goldsmith1:21
1967-01-03The Revelation – FinaleoboeJerry Goldsmith3:15
1967-12-21The RevelationoboeJerry Goldsmith1:38
1968-01-03Main Title (film version)oboeJerry Goldsmith2:18
1968-01-03No Escape (film version)oboeJerry Goldsmith5:42
1968-01-03The Cave (film version)oboeJerry Goldsmith1:23
1972-06-13All of YouoboeElla Fitzgerald2:18
1972-06-13Anything GoesoboeElla Fitzgerald2:52
1972-06-13At Long Last LoveoboeElla Fitzgerald2:27
1972-06-13C'est magnifiqueoboeElla Fitzgerald2:32
1972-06-13Down in the DepthsoboeElla Fitzgerald3:40
1972-06-13I Concentrate on YouoboeElla Fitzgerald4:06
1972-06-13I Get a Kick Out of YouoboeElla Fitzgerald4:21
1972-06-13I’ve Got You Under My SkinoboeElla Fitzgerald3:17
1972-06-13Just One of Those ThingsoboeElla Fitzgerald3:54
1972-06-13Love for SaleoboeElla Fitzgerald4:37
1972-06-13My Heart Belongs to DaddyoboeElla Fitzgerald2:33
1972-06-13So Near and Yet So FaroboeElla Fitzgerald2:22
1972-06-13Without LoveoboeElla Fitzgerald2:47
1978-02-13After YouoboeElla Fitzgerald3:14
1978-02-13Dream DancingoboeElla Fitzgerald4:03