
Hits of the Years 1960 - 1975Various Artists4×CD14 + 14 + 14 + 14
Object EnterprisesOZ00025014797240162
25 Years of Rock ’n’ Roll: 1972: 20 of the Year’s Greatest TracksVarious ArtistsCD20
Connoisseur CollectionYRNR CD725015773007229
Remember Your 70's - 1970-1975 (1970)Various Artists4×CD20 + 20 + 20 + 20
Sony Music (global brand, excluding JP, owned by Sony Music Entertainment)980348 2, 980648 2, 982192 2, 982335 2
Aral MusicCollection No. 2: You can get istVarious ArtistsCD17
Columbia/Sony Music Entertainment (Germany) GmbH (company credits only; NOT for release label use!)983354 25099798335420
20 Bubble Gum + Party HitsVarious ArtistsCD20
Bell Records (Bell Musik GmbH, Germany)BLR 89 2044011809892044
Sixties UKVarious Artists4×CD18 + 19 + 18 + 19
Fat Boy Records Ltd (UK label)FAT CD 407, FAT CD 407/1, FAT CD 407/2, FAT CD 407/3, FAT CD 407/4
Hits of the 70ties, Volume 2Various ArtistsCD15
Ariola Express74321 22588 2743212258820
Classic Pop SongsVarious Artists4×CD20 + 20 + 20 + 20
Arcade (record label founded in 1970s by Herman Heinsbroek; use this as its universal imprint)01.104058712687104057
Glitter ’n’ Glitz, Volume 2Various Artists2×CD15 + 15
Sounds DirectA572
Classic Rare Hits of the 70’sVarious Artists2×CD16 + 15
CEL EntertainmentCEL 129/39311453712923
Yesterday's Party-Hits, Vol. 1Various ArtistsCD18
Bellaphon Records (Legal name of label "Bellaphon")CD 287.07.2624003099751422
Golden Milestones of Rock & Pop, Volume 1Various ArtistsCD25
JM Sontel AG2128.2090-2[none]
Golden Milestones of Rock & Pop, Volume 2Various ArtistsCD25
JM Sontel AG2128.2091-2[none]
The Ultimate Seventies CollectionVarious Artists4×CD25 + 25 + 25 + 25
CEL EntertainmentCEL 1489311453714828
Sounds of the 70s: More Hits From 72Various Artists2×CD15 + 15
Time‐Life Books B.V.TL 469/20
Santa's Top 20Various ArtistsCD20
  • -2001
Gold – 1972Various Artists2×CD15 + 15
  • -2004
Time-LifeTL GLL/10
70s Big BoxVarious Artists3×CD17 + 17 + 16
Ganser & Hanke Media770712-2603877071229
101 of the Biggest Songs EverVarious ArtistsDigital Media101
No Milk Today, One Media Publishing Ltd.885686568729
Jackie: Long Hot SummerVarious Artists3×Digital Media21 + 21 + 21
  • -2014-06-27
Universal Music on Demand600753524640
Jackie: Long Hot SummerVarious Artists3×CD21 + 21 + 21
  • GB2014-07-08
Universal Music TV (UK, a division of Universal Music Operations Limited)5352456600753524565
70s School Days: The Ultimate CollectionVarious Artists5×CD20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20
  • XE2017-01-01
  • GB2017-01-01
Universal UMCULTIM5CD0084050538267723
Merry ChristmasVarious Artists2×CD18 + 18
G.K. Records (Roger Melt)30794260494430790
Seventies AnthemsVarious Artists4×CD20 + 20 + 20 + 20
  • GB2018-02-23
DMG TVDMGTV0685014797760684
Ugly Sweater Christmas PartyVarious Artists2×CD18 + 18
  • XE2019-09-24
Power Station (German budget manufacturer, distributor and label)31384260494431384
Can the Glam!: 80 GlambustersVarious Artists4×CD20 + 20 + 20 + 20
  • GB2022-03-18
Teenage Glampage: Can the Glam 2Various Artists4×CD20 + 20 + 20 + 20
  • -2023-02-24
7T’s, Glam Records2905950
Elmi's MemoriesVarious Artists2×CD16 + 16
Edel Records (multinational, ERE suffix)0038732ERE[none]
Mega Super OldiesVarious Artists4×CD16 + 16 + 16 + 16
Edel Records (multinational, ERE suffix)0038732ERE4014883251622
16 Evergreens Of The Sixties & Seventies Volume 2Various ArtistsCD16World Wide Music (label/company)071187
The Nation’s Favourite 70s Number OnesVarious ArtistsDigital Media68
  • GB2015-02-01
Sony Music (global brand, excluding JP, owned by Sony Music Entertainment)08256461522850825646152285
The Seventies AlbumVarious Artists3×CD21 + 22 + 23
Warner Music TV08256469462660825646946266
BNN Goldies: Internationale Hits der 70er (disc 2)Various ArtistsCD16
Informa Music & Media GmbH1045.98.2
Dance PowerVarious ArtistsCD18
Music Digital11 9514006408119517
Papa-Oom-Mow-MowVarious ArtistsCD7
Music Digital13 7644006408137641
Diamonds of Love SongsVarious Artists2×CD20 + 20
30 Jahre Top Ten Hits: Die 70er!Various ArtistsCD16Song (Delta Music GmbH)20024006408020028
No.1 Hits of Three DecadesVarious Artists2×CD20 + 20
Millenium ("Millenium Collection" compilations)204047-3044011222040473
Oldies 9: Pop & Rock 4Various ArtistsCD20
Gramofonové závody2128.2059-2[none]
Jeans On!!! Die 70er JahreVarious ArtistsCD18
It’s Music22 5424006408225423
Hits of the 70'sVarious ArtistsCD18
  • -1994
It’s Music22 5464006408225461
Party Boom: Superstarke No. 1 HitsVarious ArtistsCD18
It’s Music22 8104006408228103
Millennium PartyVarious Artists2×CD20 + 10
Exclusiv (low budget)222 3604006408008989
Hits of the 70's, Volume 2Various ArtistsCD16
Success (European budget label)2225CD5708574322256
Top of the Pops: 32 SuperhitsVarious Artists2×CD16 + 16
Delta (sub-label owned by Delta Entertainment Corporation)24 0344006408240341
De Pre Historie 1972Various ArtistsCD20
BMG Ariola (company mostly named as distributor)260.7444007192607440
Teenage Rebels! - Spirit in the SkyVarious ArtistsCD16
Zillion Records2610752027726107523
Teenage Rebels! - Lost in FranceVarious ArtistsCD16
Zillion Records2610802027726108025
25 Super Oldies, Vol. 4: 60 Minutes of Music from the 60's ▪ 70'sVarious ArtistsCD25
Point Productions2620882027726208824
25 Jaar Popmuziek: 1971/1972Various ArtistsCD20
CBS Special Products29.980648.10, LSP 980648 2[none]
Beat Revival - Part 1Various ArtistsCD16
Ariola Express (This is NOT a real label. Use this for all unofficial releases (bootlegs, counterfeits, pirate compilations) that pretend to be a release of Ariola Express)297 1124007192971121
Die große 4 CD Party BoxVarious Artists4×CD16 + 16 + 16 + 6
  • -1999
Exclusiv (low budget)333 301, 333 302, 333 303, 333 304
SommerhitsVarious Artists4×CD16 + 16 + 16 + 16
Exclusiv (low budget)333 901, 333 902, 333 903, 333 904[none]
1972 - Die Stars - Die Hits - Die FactsVarious ArtistsCD18
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)39609 3
The Best of Jukebox Rock: 1972-1973 (CD 37 of "The Best of Jukebox Rock")Various ArtistsCD15
Dominion Records44 2037-2036244203723
Do You Remember 1972Various ArtistsCD16
Elap Music (Danish label)4572CD5708574345729
Licht aus! Spot an! Best of Disco 1/72Various ArtistsCD18BMG Direct Marketing, Inc. (BMG company that owned their direct marketing company/club editions)492553743214277829
Lost and Found: 1970-1978Various Artists2×CD24 + 23
EMI (EMI Records, since 1972)4932062724349320628
Testament van de SeventiesVarious Artists10×CD + 5×DVD-Video20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 21 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20
Universal Music (plain logo: “Universal Music”)530 640-1, 530 640-2, 530 640-3, 530 640-4, 530 640-5, 530 640-6, 530 640-7, 530 640-8, 530 640-9, 530 641-00600753064009
Oh Yes We Can Love: A History of Glam RockVarious Artists5×CD21 + 19 + 16 + 18 + 17
Universal (plain logo “Universal” used by Universal Music and Universal Pictures)534 422-70600753442272
Ultratop 1001 Hits, Volume 4Various Artists5×CD20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20
  • BE2017-04-28
Universal Music Belgium53773110600753773116
De pré historie: De jaren ’70 (De ultieme 10 CD collectie)Various Artists10×CD20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20
  • BE2018-09-14
Universal Music (plain logo: “Universal Music”)538.406-00600753840603
Pop-Hits 1970-75Various ArtistsCD24
Universal Music (plain logo: “Universal Music”)541 863-2731454186322
75 Milestones of Pop & RockVarious Artists3×CD25 + 25 + 25
Selected Sound Carrier54107619929235825
Hits of the 70s, Volume 1Various ArtistsCD18
Hallmark Music & Entertainment7013325050457013325
Hits of the 70s, Volume 2Various ArtistsCD18
Hallmark Music & Entertainment7013425050457013424
1972 - Seventies CollectionVarious ArtistsCD18
EVA (for use with NL/BE/FR releases only. see annotation)7243 4 79432 2724347943225
Super 70'sVarious Artists2×CD23 + 22
  • GB2003-03-17
Virgin (worldwide imprint of Virgin Records Ltd. and all its subsidiaries), Virgin TV7243 5 82519 2 0, VTDCD 513724358251920
Greatest Hits of the Millennium: 70's, Volume 1Various Artists3×CD21 + 22 + 23
BMG (the former Bertelsmann Music Group, defunct since 2004-08-05; for releases dated 2008 and later, see annotation)74321 673352743216733521
70s Super Big BoxVarious Artists3×CD17 + 17 + 16
Ganser & Hanke Media778 936-2, 778 937-2, 778 938-2603877893623
The No. 1 Hits 1972Various ArtistsCD16
SR International79 600 3
Solid Gold HitsVarious Artists4×CD16 + 16 + 16 + 16
BMG (the former Bertelsmann Music Group, defunct since 2004-08-05; for releases dated 2008 and later, see annotation)828766553320828766553321
Ultimate 70’s PopVarious Artists3×CD16 + 17 + 17
Sony BMG Music Entertainment (Aug 5, 2004 - Oct 1, 2008)828766704802, If You Leave Me Now828767048024
40 Jahre Disco: 70’s DiscoVarious Artists2×CD20 + 20
Sony Music Catalog (a division of Sony Music Entertainment (Germany) GmbH, as well as its imprint)88697 82501 2886978250124
Sugar Sugar: The Birth of Bubblegum POPVarious Artists3×CD25 + 24 + 21
Sony Music UK (~2002-2006)88697942252886979422520
Die 70s Edition (Exklusiv bei Media Markt)Various Artists3×CD16 + 17 + 16
Sony Music (global brand, excluding JP, owned by Sony Music Entertainment)88875008292888750082923
Arcade Hot 100Various Artists4×CD25 + 25 + 25 + 25
Arcade (record label founded in 1970s by Herman Heinsbroek; use this as its universal imprint)89100175709703100172
Planet 70’sVarious Artists2×CD22 + 21
  • GB2006-03-27
Universal Music TV (UK, a division of Universal Music Operations Limited)9838789602498387894
Wahre Christmassongs Aus Aller Welt.Various ArtistsCD14
Sony Music Special Products9893672000, SSP 9893672
Glam Rock: The ClassicsVarious Artists2×CD18 + 16
Air Music & Media (UK reissue/compilation label)AMU0475055159704724
The Super 70's, Volume 3Various ArtistsCD20
Seventies LegendsVarious ArtistsCD20
De Pré Historie 70Various Artists4×CD20 + 20 + 20 + 20
  • BE2010-12-03
ARS Entertainment (Belgium label)ARS 533.152-80600753315255
Superhits of the SeventiesVarious Artists4×CD20 + 20 + 20 + 20
L&D RecordsBGCD999
Definite 70’s, Volume 3Various Artists4×CD18 + 18 + 18 + 18
  • DE2005-11-29
BR Music (NL-based reissue label)BOX 1007-28712089100725
History of the 70'sVarious ArtistsCD16
BR Music (NL-based reissue label)BRCD 72
Best of the 70’s: Hits of 1972 (There is a similar release with 10 tracks. This release has 12.)Various ArtistsCD12
Direct Source Special Products Inc.BST 30472779836304728
Classic Cuts Presents: 70s Night: The Definitive DJ Collection: C to DVarious Artists2×CD20 + 20
Music Factory (UK promotional remix service started in 1985)BX006[none]
Internationale Oldie-Hits 100Various Artists5×CD20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20
Euro TrendCD 151.838, CD 151.839, CD 151.840, CD 151.841, CD 151.842, CD 314.0319002986140313
Golden Hit Collection - 1972Various ArtistsCD16Euro TrendCD 152.3569002986523567
Das waren die 70’er - Vol. 2Various ArtistsCD14ACDCD 154.1629002986541622
The No.1 DJ Collection: 70’s, Volume 2Various ArtistsCD19
Music Factory (UK promotional remix service started in 1985)CD090[none]
Hits of the SeventiesVarious ArtistsCD18
Music DigitalCD60854006408060857
Hits of the 70sVarious ArtistsCD18
Music DigitalCD64204006408064206
UK No. 1 Hits of the 70sVarious ArtistsCD17
Music DigitalCD64234006408064237
Solid Gold, Volume 4: Hits of the 70sVarious Artists3×CD18 + 18 + 18
  • ZA2011-11-07
EMI (EMI Records, since 1972), Sting MusicCDEMCJT (SWFD) 66416009509341472
Rock Artifacts, Volume 2Various ArtistsCD16
  • US1991-01-01
Legacy (reissue division of Sony Music Entertainment)CK46763074644676327
Donna's Dansfolie 70-71-72Various Artists2×CD15 + 15
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX), ARS ProductionsCOL 477 824-25099747782428
Ljuva 70-tal Let the good times roll 1970-1974Various Artists2×CD22 + 22
Sony Music (global brand, excluding JP, owned by Sony Music Entertainment)COL 516050 25099751605027
The Pick of the SeventiesVarious ArtistsCD24
Crimson Productions (UK budget reissue label; imprint of Crimson Productions Ltd.)CRIMCD1015033093010125
Showing Various Artist releases. Show releases by this artist instead.