
The band name is always written in uppercase on every release; on websites it is always "Subway To Sally". While it might also be insufficient knowledge of English capitalization, it is believed to be the band's preferred style.

Annotation last modified on 2012-01-31 17:34 UTC.



1994Album 1994Subway to Sally44
1995MCMXCVSubway to Sally42
1996Foppt den Dämon!Subway to Sally3.52
1997BannkreisSubway to Sally41
1999HochzeitSubway to Sally31
2001HerzblutSubway to Sally4.51
2003EngelskriegerSubway to Sally33
2005Nord Nord OstSubway to Sally3.355
2007BastardSubway to Sally4
2009KreuzfeuerSubway to Sally34
2011Schwarz in SchwarzSubway to Sally5
2014MitgiftSubway to Sally2
2019Hey!Subway to Sally3
2023HimmelfahrtSubway to Sally1

Album + Compilation

2001Die Rose im Wasser: Best of Subway to SallySubway to Sally31
2008Herzblut/EngelskriegerSubway to Sally1
2009Schrei!/Engelskrieger in BerlinSubway to Sally1
2010Kleid aus Rosen: Best of Subway to SallySubway to Sally1
2012Subway to Sally XXSubway to Sally1

Album + Live

2000Schrei!Subway to Sally2
2006NacktSubway to Sally2
2008SchlachthofSubway to Sally3
2010Nackt IISubway to Sally2
2017NeonSubway to Sally3
2020Hey! Live - Alles was das Herz willSubway to Sally2
2021Eisheilige Nacht - Back to LindenparkSubway to Sally3


1997Zu spätSubway to Sally1
1999HenkersbrautSubway to Sally1
2001VeitstanzSubway to Sally1
2003Falscher HeilandSubway to Sally1
2003UnsterblichSubway to Sally1
2005SiebenSubway to Sally1
2007Umbra / Tanz auf dem VulkanSubway to Sally1
2008Auf KielSubway to Sally1
2009Besser, Du rennstSubway to Sally2
2011Das Schwarze MeerSubway to Sally1
2018Königin der KäferSubway to Sally1
2019Imperator Rex GraecorumSubway to Sally1
2019MessiasSubway to Sally1
2020Die Engel steigen aufSubway to Sally1
2020Tag der RacheSubway to Sally1
2020Ohne Kunst & Kultur wird's stillSubway to Sally1
2020Kaufmann und MaidSaltatio Mortis, Sasha, Feuerschwanz, Subway to Sally, Tanzwut, Schandmaul, dArtagnan & Patty Gurdy1
2021So Rot MMXXISubway to Sally3
2022Was ihr wolltSubway to Sally1


2010Wacken Hymne 2010U.D.O. / Subway to Sally / Victims of Madness1
2017Gloria & GlanzSubway to Sally1

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