Ricky King

~ Person


Ricky King Plays Fantastic Guitar HitsRicky King12" Vinyl12
BASF17 22761-8, CC 227 618, CC 227618
Verde / Go-cartRicky King7" Vinyl2
BASFAC 128 002[none]
MoonshotRicky King7" Vinyl2
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony)EPC 8948, EPC S 8948[none]
Die schönsten WeihnachtsliederRicky King7" Vinyl4
AMIGA5 56 087
The Golden Guitar HitsRicky King3×CD14 + 14 + 14
Koch Universal (use only for releases with logo saying "Koch Universal")06025 17810400602517810402
Verde (Silber Edition)Ricky KingCD14
Koch Universal (use only for releases with logo saying "Koch Universal")06025 270682 70602527068275
Die schönsten Weihnachtslieder - Instrumental (Die schönsten Weihnachtslieder - Instrumental)Ricky KingCD14ACD154.0119002986540113
Traumreise (Eine Weltreise Im Gitarrensound)Ricky KingVinyl16
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony)24069
Romantic MomentsRicky KingCD16
KOCH International (Austrian label, imprint in use from 1990 to 2000; LC 05680)323 9899002723239898
Gondola D'AmoreRicky King & Henry ArlandCD3
KOCH International (Austrian label, imprint in use from 1990 to 2000; LC 05680)346 610 X19002723466102
Die 20 schönsten Welthits im GitarrensoundRicky King12" Vinyl20
Bertelsmann Club, Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony)38284 6, EPC 83034
GlanzlichterRicky KingCD16
  • DE2015-02-27
Electrola472 18380602547218384
TraummelodienRicky KingCD16
Herzklang481207 2, 74321 30409 2, HER 481207 2743213040929
Best OfRicky KingCD14
Spectrum Music (Universal Music Group budget label)554 613-2
Die großen WelthitsRicky KingCD12
Polyphon831 851-2042283185128
Guitar HolidayRicky King(unknown)16
Karussell833 389-2042283338920
Super Guitar DancingRicky KingCD14
Polyphon841 768-2042284176828
Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes neues JahrCosta Cordalis / Ricky King7" Vinyl2
CBS Special ProductsCBSSSP 12 172
Ricky King Platinum EditionRicky KingCD16
da music (imprint of Deutsche Austrophon GmbH)CD 873609-24002587360924
Happy Guitar Dancing (Heisse Hits im Partysound)Ricky King12" Vinyl16
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony)CX 25029
Südsee TräumeRicky KingVinyl16
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony)EPC 25695
Die 20 Schönsten Welthits Im GitarrensoundRicky KingCD20
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony)EPC 462455 25099746245528
Die 20 schönsten Welthits im GitarrensoundRicky KingCD20
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony)EPC 462455 2
Ricky King Plays Golden Guitar HitsRicky King12" Vinyl12
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony)EPC 81740
Zauber der GitarreRicky KingVinyl17
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony)EPC 83 844
Electric Guitar HitsRicky King12" Vinyl12
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony)EPC 84 306, EPC 84306
Die 20 schönsten Welthits im GitarrensoundRicky KingCD20
Sony Music MediaSMM 462455 25099746245528
Die größten WelthitsRicky King(unknown)18
Sony BMG Special ProductsSSP 989386 25099798938621
Jamaica FarewellRicky KingCD12
Karusell (Swedish, 1953–1970)042283991422
Das BesteRicky King2×CD20 + 20
Bis an alle SterneRicky KingCD17
  • DE2009-09-11
EMI Music Germany GmbH & Co. KG (do not use this as a release label!)5099968853020
Die großen JahrhunderthitsRicky KingCD16
  • DE2004-06-07
Love Me Tender: Traummelodien mit Ricky KingRicky KingCD16
  • DE2007-03-02
Meine BestenRicky KingCD20
da music (imprint of Deutsche Austrophon GmbH)
Meine schönsten Melodien zur WeihnachtRicky KingCD16
  • DE2009-09-25
Sony Music (global brand, excluding JP, owned by Sony Music Entertainment)
Ricky KingRicky KingCD14
Ricky King: Gitarren-WelthitsRicky KingCD12
The Golden Sound of Ricky KingRicky KingCD12
MCP Sound & Media (Austria, mostly Schlager)
Von Herz zu HerzRicky KingCD15
Weihnachten mit Ricky KingRicky KingCD20
Ariola (German label, used worldwide in the past)
Magic Guitar HitsRicky King(unknown)18
Magic Guitar HitsRicky KingCD17
  • -1992-09-19
Ricky King's Rock 'n' Roll PartyRicky King(unknown)16
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