Dora Carofiglio (Jessica Jay) is the lead singer of Novecento, and also well known as the real voice of Valerie Dore and Jessica Jay. She did it just for fun! She also is a vocal teacher, sings Classical music, and did many Classical concerts. Dora Carofiglio was born and lives in Italy. she married Lino Nicolosi, guitarist and producer of the band Novecento, Valerie Dore, Jessica Jay, and many Jazz artists.
Legal name: Dora Carofiglio (Italo Disco singer in many projects)
Also performs as: Amnésie (Italo-disco singer Dora Carofiglio), Angelina (Italo-disco singer Dora Carofiglio), Brownstone (Italian singer Dora Carofiglio), Jackie Moore (r/n Dora Carofiglio, 90s/00's dance music), Lisa (Italian singer Dora Carofiglio), Mindy Love, Shirley Ross (Dora Carofiglio), Susanne Meals
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