| appears on video |
2022-07-28 | Belong | | | Transatlantic | 3:18 |
2022-07-28 | Bully | | | Transatlantic | 2:11 |
2022-07-28 | Can You Feel It | | | Transatlantic | 3:09 |
2022-07-28 | Higher Than the Morning | | | Transatlantic | 5:10 |
2022-07-28 | Intro | | | Transatlantic | 1:52 |
2022-07-28 | Lonesome Rebel | | | Transatlantic | 2:47 |
2022-07-28 | Looking for the Light | | | Transatlantic | 4:15 |
2022-07-28 | Looking for the Light (reprise) | | | Transatlantic | 4:59 |
2022-07-28 | Love Made a Way | | | Transatlantic | 7:56 |
2022-07-28 | Love Made a Way (prelude) | | | Transatlantic | 2:23 |
2022-07-28 | MP Intro | | | Transatlantic | 3:21 |
2022-07-28 | NM & RS Intro | | | Transatlantic | 2:39 |
2022-07-28 | Overture | | | Transatlantic | 7:21 |
2022-07-28 | Owl Howl | | | Transatlantic | 6:41 |
2022-07-28 | Rainbow Sky | | | Transatlantic | 3:06 |
2022-07-28 | Reaching for the Sky | | | Transatlantic | 5:39 |
2022-07-28 | Solitude | | | Transatlantic | 5:37 |
2022-07-28 | Take Now My Soul | | | Transatlantic | 3:53 |
2022-07-28 | The Darkness in the Light | | | Transatlantic | 5:25 |
2022-07-28 | The Final Medley | | | Transatlantic | 28:19 |
2022-07-28 | The Greatest Story Never Ends | | | Transatlantic | 3:55 |
2022-07-28 | The Sun Comes Up Today | | | Transatlantic | 5:22 |
2022-07-28 | The Whirlwind Suite | | | Transatlantic | 34:56 |
2022-07-28 | The World We Used to Know | | | Transatlantic | 9:21 |
2022-07-28 | We All Need Some Light | | | Transatlantic | 6:18 |
| instruments |
2022-07-28 | We All Need Some Light | | keyboard | Transatlantic | 6:18 |
2022-07-28 | We All Need Some Light | | keyboard | Transatlantic | 6:18 |
| Armageddon Nervous | | electric guitar | Spock’s Beard | 3:32 |
| Armageddon Nervous | | acoustic guitar | Spock’s Beard | 3:32 |
| Beginnings | | acoustic guitar | Spock’s Beard | 7:25 |
| Beginnings | | electric guitar | Spock’s Beard | 7:25 |
| Beyond the Sun | | keyboard | Transatlantic | 4:51 |
| Beyond the Sun | | guitar [guitars] | Transatlantic | 4:51 |
| Beyond the Sun | | percussion | Transatlantic | 4:51 |
| Black as the Sky | | percussion | Transatlantic | 7:25 |
| Black as the Sky | | guitar [guitars] | Transatlantic | 7:25 |
| Black as the Sky | | keyboard | Transatlantic | 7:25 |
| Box of Spiders | | electric guitar | Spock’s Beard | 5:28 |
| Box of Spiders | | acoustic guitar | Spock’s Beard | 5:28 |
| Bulletproof | | acoustic guitar | Spock’s Beard | 4:41 |
| Bulletproof | | electric guitar | Spock’s Beard | 4:41 |
| Days We'll Remember | | electric guitar | Spock’s Beard | 4:14 |
| Days We'll Remember | | acoustic guitar | Spock’s Beard | 4:14 |
| Despicable | Ted | additional and guitar | Enchant | 4:14 |
| Everdark Mountain | | electric guitar | Pattern-Seeking Animals | 2:50 |
| Have We All Gone Crazy Yet | | acoustic guitar | Spock’s Beard | 8:06 |
| Have We All Gone Crazy Yet | | electric guitar | Spock’s Beard | 8:06 |
| Here With You With Me | | electric guitar | Pattern-Seeking Animals | 8:15 |
| Hocus Pocus | | guitar [guitars] | Transatlantic | 7:12 |
| Hocus Pocus | | percussion | Transatlantic | 7:12 |
| Hocus Pocus | | keyboard | Transatlantic | 7:12 |
| I Can’t Stay Here Anymore | | electric guitar | Pattern-Seeking Animals | 6:05 |
| I’m Not Alright | | electric guitar | Pattern-Seeking Animals | 4:18 |
| Into the Blue | | percussion | Transatlantic | 27:47 |
| Into the Blue | | keyboard | Transatlantic | 27:47 |
| Into the Blue | | guitar [guitars] | Transatlantic | 27:47 |
| Just Another Day at the Beach | | electric guitar | Pattern-Seeking Animals | 3:33 |
| Kaleidoscope | | guitar [guitars] | Transatlantic | 31:30 |
| Kaleidoscope | | keyboard | Transatlantic | 31:30 |
| Kaleidoscope | | percussion | Transatlantic | 31:30 |
| Medley: All of the Above / Stranger in Your Soul | | percussion | Transatlantic | 24:33 |
| Medley: All of the Above / Stranger in Your Soul | | keyboard | Transatlantic | 24:33 |
| Medley: All of the Above / Stranger in Your Soul | | guitar [guitars] | Transatlantic | 24:33 |
| Much Ado | | electric guitar | Pattern-Seeking Animals | 4:49 |
| My New World | | guitar [guitars] | Transatlantic | 18:28 |
| My New World | | percussion | Transatlantic | 18:28 |
| My New World | | keyboard | Transatlantic | 18:28 |
| Neal & Roine Duet | | keyboard | Transatlantic | 4:32 |
| Neal & Roine Duet | | guitar [guitars] | Transatlantic | 4:32 |
| Neal & Roine Duet | | percussion | Transatlantic | 4:32 |
| Nights in White Satin | | guitar [guitars] | Transatlantic | 8:10 |
| Nights in White Satin | | keyboard | Transatlantic | 8:10 |
| Nights in White Satin | | percussion | Transatlantic | 8:10 |
| One So Wise | | acoustic guitar | Spock’s Beard | 6:57 |
| One So Wise | | electric guitar | Spock’s Beard | 6:57 |
| Only Passing Through | | electric guitar | Pattern-Seeking Animals | 4:20 |
| Rock Paper Scissors | | electric guitar | Pattern-Seeking Animals | 5:01 |
| Said the Stranger | | electric guitar | Pattern-Seeking Animals | 7:08 |
| Shine | | percussion | Transatlantic | 7:23 |
| Shine | | guitar [guitars] | Transatlantic | 7:23 |
| Shine | | keyboard | Transatlantic | 7:23 |
| So This Is Life | | acoustic guitar | Spock’s Beard | 5:35 |
| So This Is Life | | electric guitar | Spock’s Beard | 5:35 |
| Somebody's Home | | electric guitar | Spock’s Beard | 6:32 |
| Somebody's Home | | acoustic guitar | Spock’s Beard | 6:32 |
| Sylvia | | guitar [guitars] | Transatlantic | 4:44 |
| Sylvia | | percussion | Transatlantic | 4:44 |
| Sylvia | | keyboard | Transatlantic | 4:44 |
| The Whirlwind Medley | | percussion | Transatlantic | 30:11 |
| The Whirlwind Medley | | keyboard | Transatlantic | 30:11 |
| The Whirlwind Medley | | guitar [guitars] | Transatlantic | 30:11 |
| Time Has a Way | | electric guitar | Pattern-Seeking Animals | 13:15 |
| To Breathe Another Day | | electric guitar | Spock’s Beard | 5:38 |
| To Breathe Another Day | | acoustic guitar | Spock’s Beard | 5:38 |
| Vault | | acoustic guitar | Spock’s Beard | 4:39 |
| Vault | | electric guitar | Spock’s Beard | 4:39 |
| We All Need Some Light | | guitar [guitars] | Transatlantic | 6:05 |
| We All Need Some Light | | keyboard | Transatlantic | 6:05 |
| We All Need Some Light | | percussion | Transatlantic | 6:05 |
| What Becomes of Me | | acoustic guitar | Spock’s Beard | 6:11 |
| What Becomes of Me | | electric guitar | Spock’s Beard | 6:11 |
| vocals |
2022-07-28 | We All Need Some Light | | background vocals | Transatlantic | 6:18 |
2022-07-28 | We All Need Some Light | | background vocals | Transatlantic | 6:18 |
2022-07-28 | We All Need Some Light | | lead vocals | Transatlantic | 6:18 |
2022-07-28 | We All Need Some Light | | lead vocals | Transatlantic | 6:18 |
| Beginnings | | | Spock’s Beard | 7:25 |
| Beyond the Sun | | | Transatlantic | 4:51 |
| Black as the Sky | | | Transatlantic | 7:25 |
| Bulletproof | | | Spock’s Beard | 4:41 |
| Days We'll Remember | | | Spock’s Beard | 4:14 |
| Despicable | | | Enchant | 4:14 |
| Everdark Mountain | | lead vocals | Pattern-Seeking Animals | 2:50 |
| Flat Line | | | Enchant | 5:25 |
| Follow the Sun | | | Enchant | 6:07 |
| Get Behind Me Satan | | lead vocals [Jesus] | Neal Morse | 3:23 |
| Gethsemane | | lead vocals [Jesus] | Neal Morse | 7:41 |
| Have We All Gone Crazy Yet | | | Spock’s Beard | 8:06 |
| Here With You With Me | | lead vocals | Pattern-Seeking Animals | 8:15 |
| Hocus Pocus | | | Transatlantic | 7:12 |
| I Can’t Stay Here Anymore | | lead vocals | Pattern-Seeking Animals | 6:05 |
| I’m Not Alright | | lead vocals | Pattern-Seeking Animals | 4:18 |
| Into the Blue | | | Transatlantic | 27:47 |
| Introduction | | lead vocals [Jesus] | Neal Morse | 2:31 |
| Invisible | | | Enchant | 5:42 |
| Jerusalem | | lead vocals [Jesus] | Neal Morse | 3:56 |
| Jesus Before Pilate and the Crucifixion | | lead vocals [Jesus] | Neal Morse | 8:20 |
| Jesus Before the Council and Peter’s Denial | | lead vocals [Jesus] | Neal Morse | 3:14 |
| Jesus’ Baptism | | lead vocals [Jesus] | Neal Morse | 3:09 |
| Jesus’ Temptation | | lead vocals [Jesus] | Neal Morse | 10:19 |
| Just Another Day at the Beach | | lead vocals | Pattern-Seeking Animals | 3:33 |
| Kaleidoscope | | | Transatlantic | 31:30 |
| Love Has Called My Name | | lead vocals [Jesus] | Neal Morse | 4:15 |
| Love Has Called My Name (reprise) | | lead vocals [Jesus] | Neal Morse | 1:30 |
| Mary at the Tomb | | lead vocals [Jesus] | Neal Morse | 2:46 |
| Medley: All of the Above / Stranger in Your Soul | | | Transatlantic | 24:33 |
| Monday | | | Enchant | 7:10 |
| Much Ado | | lead vocals | Pattern-Seeking Animals | 4:49 |
| My Everafter | | | Enchant | 5:40 |
| My New World | | | Transatlantic | 18:28 |
| Neal & Roine Duet | | | Transatlantic | 4:32 |
| Nights in White Satin | | | Transatlantic | 8:10 |
| One So Wise | | | Spock’s Beard | 6:57 |
| Only Passing Through | | lead vocals | Pattern-Seeking Animals | 4:20 |
| Prognosis | | | Enchant | 7:31 |
| Rock Paper Scissors | | lead vocals | Pattern-Seeking Animals | 5:01 |
| Said the Stranger | | lead vocals | Pattern-Seeking Animals | 7:08 |
| Seeds of Hate | | | Enchant | 6:16 |
| Shine | | | Transatlantic | 7:23 |
| So This Is Life | | | Spock’s Beard | 5:35 |
| Somebody's Home | | | Spock’s Beard | 6:32 |
| Sylvia | | | Transatlantic | 4:44 |
| The Greatest Love of All | | lead vocals [Jesus] | Neal Morse | 5:01 |
| The Keys to the Kingdom | | lead vocals [Jesus] | Neal Morse | 4:49 |
| The Last Supper | | lead vocals [Jesus] | Neal Morse | 3:51 |
| The Madman of the Gadarenes | | lead vocals [Jesus] | Neal Morse | 7:05 |
| The Myth of the Mostrophus | | lead vocals | Ryo Okumoto | 22:14 |
| The Myth of the Mostrophus | | background vocals | Ryo Okumoto | 22:14 |
| The Whirlwind Medley | | | Transatlantic | 30:11 |
| The Woman of Seven Devils | | lead vocals [Jesus] | Neal Morse | 5:42 |
| There’s a Highway | | lead vocals [Jesus] | Neal Morse | 4:06 |
| Time Has a Way | | lead vocals | Pattern-Seeking Animals | 13:15 |
| To Breathe Another Day | | | Spock’s Beard | 5:38 |
| Ultimate Gift | | | Enchant | 7:59 |
| Under Fire | | | Enchant | 5:57 |
| Vault | | | Spock’s Beard | 4:39 |
| We All Need Some Light | | | Transatlantic | 6:05 |
| What Becomes of Me | | | Spock’s Beard | 6:11 |
| instruments |
| Brief Nocturnes and Dreamless Sleep | | guitar | Spock’s Beard | |
| The Final Flight: Live at L’Olympia | | guitar | Transatlantic | |
| The Final Flight: Live at L’Olympia | | keyboard | Transatlantic | |
| The Final Flight: Live at L’Olympia | | percussion | Transatlantic | |
| The Great Divide | | guitar | Enchant | |
| The Oblivion Particle | | guitar [guitar] | Spock’s Beard | |
| recording engineer for |
| The Oblivion Particle | | additional | Spock’s Beard | |
| vocals |
| Brief Nocturnes and Dreamless Sleep | | lead vocals | Spock’s Beard | |
| The Final Flight: Live at L’Olympia | | | Transatlantic | |
| The Great Divide | | lead vocals | Enchant | |
| The Oblivion Particle | | lead vocals [vocals] | Spock’s Beard | |
| composed |
| Afterthoughts | | | | |
| I’m Not Alright | | | | |
| Much Ado | | | | |
| lyrics |
| Afterthoughts | | | | |
| I’m Not Alright | | | | |
| Much Ado | | | | |
| wrote |
| Beginnings | | | | |
| Have We All Gone Crazy Yet | | | | |
| Hell’s Not Enough | | | | |
| Hiding Out | | | | |
| Minion | | | | |
| Somebody's Home | | | | |
| Submerged | | | | |
| Vault | | | | |