Acid Reign (UK thrash band)

~ Group


The Age of EntitlementAcid ReignCD10
  • GB2019-09-27
Dissonance ProductionsDISS0149CDD803343205497
HumanoïaAcid Reign10" Vinyl5
Under One Flag10 FLAG 106
Hangin’ On the TelephoneAcid Reign12" Vinyl3
Under One Flag12 FLAG 1095016583210960
The Apple Core ArchivesAcid Reign3×CD19 + 14 + 19
  • GB2014-08-04
Candlelight Records (British extreme metal record label)CANDLE455CD803341430174
ObnoxiousAcid ReignCD8
Under One FlagCD FLAG 395016583203924
The Age of EntitlementAcid ReignCD10
  • XE2019-09-27
Dissonance ProductionsDISS0149CD803343205497
Anthology 1987-2017Acid Reign4×CD19 + 14 + 19 + 10
Dissonance ProductionsDISS0164CDD803343245226
The FearAcid Reign12" Vinyl9
Under One FlagFLAG 31
ObnoxiousAcid Reign12" Vinyl7
Under One FlagFLAG 395016583203917
Plan of the DamnedAcid Reign7" Vinyl1
Dry Heave RecordsHeave0145051565305265
MoshkinsteinAcid ReignCD13
Lost and Found Records (heavy metal reissue label)LFR 1010-2
The FearAcid ReignCD14
Lost and Found Records (heavy metal reissue label)LFR 1011-2
MoshkinsteinAcid Reign12" Vinyl6
Under One FlagM FLAG 205016583202019
The Worst of Acid ReignAcid ReignCD17
Obnoxious DemosAcid ReignDigital Media3
  • XW2014-09-14
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none]
Plan of the DamnedAcid ReignDigital Media1
  • XW2015-07-17
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none]
The Fear DemosAcid ReignDigital Media4
  • XW2013-01-27
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none]
The Man Who Became HimselfAcid ReignDigital Media1
  • XW2017-03-24
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none]
The Fear / MoshkinsteinAcid Reign(unknown)14
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