John Wiese (American experimental musician)

~ Person


SplitJohn Wiese / Bob Marinelli7" Vinyl2
Gameboy RecordsGB3
Live San Diego 2003Wolf Eyes & John Wiese7" Vinyl2
American TapesAM 300
Oblique No StrategyT. Mikawa / John WieseDigital Media4
  • XW2016-11-01
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)
Live at Akihabara Club Goodman / TokyoT. Mikawa / John Wiese / Seiichi YamamotoCD1
  • US2019-10-31
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)H 89
Live at Akihabara Club GoodmanT. Mikawa / John Wiese / Seiichi YamamotoDigital Media1
  • XW2019-10-31
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)
The Echoing ShellDean Spunt, John WieseDigital Media2
  • US2022-05-20
Drag City
The OutlierPaul G. Smyth & John WieseDigital Media1
  • XW2022-07-26
WeekertoftWEEKERTOFT 135051078997124
Through Mazes RunningDrew Daniel & John WieseDigital Media10
  • XW2023-02-17
Difficult Interactions
Black Magic PondJohn WieseCD12
  • US2006-06-06
Blossoming NoiseBN014CD
Deviate From BalanceJohn WieseCD10
  • US2015-03-01
Gilgongo RecordsGGGR-077[none]
Deviate From BalanceJohn Wiese2×12" Vinyl7 + 3
  • US2015-03-01
Gilgongo RecordsGGGR-077
Continuous HoleDrew Daniel, John Wiese12" Vinyl11
  • US2018-05-01
Gilgongo RecordsGGGR-091
Escaped LanguageJohn Wiese12" Vinyl1
  • US2017-09-20
Gilgongo RecordsGGGR-093
Cat Woman Is a Cat VampireJohn Wiese7" Vinyl2
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)H 01
Panicsville / John WiesePanicsville / John WieseVinyl2
  • US1999-04-30
Helicopter (US noise/experimental), Nihilist (American experimental label)H 03, NIHIL 11[none]
The Haters / John WieseThe Haters / John Wiese12" Vinyl6
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)H 04
Collected TracksJohn WieseCD8
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)H 06
Magnetic Stencil/ 1John WieseCD2
  • US2020-10-02
Helicopter (US noise/experimental), TroniksH 107, TRO-314
Magnetic Stencil/ 2John WieseCD2
  • US2020-10-02
Helicopter (US noise/experimental), TroniksH 108, TRO-315
Magnetic Stencil/ 3John WieseCD2
  • US2021-07-21
Helicopter (US noise/experimental), TroniksH 109, TRO-334
DwervsHair Stylistics & John Wiese7" Vinyl2
  • US2021-04-02
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)H 113
Frankenstein and Dracula Girls Tokyo HeadlockKoh / Nakagawa / Tano / Wiese / YoshidaCD12
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)H 22
Arc SecondsKK Null + John Wiese7" Vinyl1
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)H 29
Magical Crystal BlahJohn WieseCD5
Helicopter (US noise/experimental), Kitty Play RecordsH 30, KPR 1
Behold the Scathing LightJohn Wiese + Daniel MencheCD1
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)H 31
Light of a GhostJohn Wiese12" Vinyl1
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)H 33
Arrhythmia Wave Burst And Panner CrashJohn WieseCD4
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)H 35
Free PianoMerzbow & John Wiese7" Vinyl2
Helicopter (US noise/experimental), Misanthropic AgendaH 36, MAR011[none]
Magical Crystal Blah Volume 3John WieseCD37
Helicopter (US noise/experimental), Kitty Play RecordsH 37, KPR16
FrontsBruce Russell, John Wiese7" Vinyl2
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)H 40
Chocolate GrinderPain Jerk & John Wiese7" Vinyl1
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)H 46[none]
New York / AtlantaJohn Wiese & C. Spencer YehCD2
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)H 49
General AssuranceDead Machines & John Wiese12" Vinyl2
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)H 54
Portable DunesYellow Swans with John WieseCD5
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)H 56[none]
Rip OffGX Jupitter‐Larsen & John Wiese with The New Blockaders7" Vinyl2
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)H 60[none]
Rip OffGX Jupitter‐Larsen & John Wiese with The New Blockaders7" Vinyl + 2×Cassette2 + 2 + 2
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)H 60[none]
Rip OffGX Jupitter‐Larsen & John Wiese with The New BlockadersDigital Media6
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)H 60
Neu DimensionHair Stylistics / John Wiese7" Vinyl + 2×Cassette3 + 3 + 2
  • US2012-09-15
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)H 63
White GoldThe Cherry Point & John WieseCD2
  • US2016-05-03
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)H 74
Oblique No StrategyT. Mikawa / John WieseCD4
  • US2016-11-01
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)H 78
Live at Super DeluxeHair Stylistics · Pain Jerk · John WieseCD1
  • US2019-10-31
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)H 90
TerrazzoPain Jerk & John WieseCD4
  • GB2007-05-17
Harbinger SoundHARBINGER 055[none]
Electronic ExtensionAaron Dilloway / Robert Turman / John WieseCD2
  • US2020-10-02
Helicopter (US noise/experimental), TroniksHEL 42003, TRO-313
Prelude To Hawaiian RadioAndy Bolus, Joseph Hammer, John WieseCD13
  • US2020-11-06
Helicopter (US noise/experimental), TroniksHEL 99077, TRO-321
CollectionWolf Eyes With John WieseCD14
  • US2006-10-20
Hanson Records (experimental / noise)HN 155, HN155
Live at the Chislehurst CavesAaron Dilloway & John Wiese7" Vinyl3
Hanson Records (experimental / noise)HN 165
Sniper Counter SniperAaron Dilloway / John WieseCD7
  • US2019-10-31
Hanson Records (experimental / noise)HN275[none]
Cloven SpikePrurient / John Wiese7" Vinyl1
Hospital Productions (US label run by Dominick Fernow aka Purient)HOS-140
Bubble PulseJohn WieseCD10
Kissy RecordsKIS002
Total EclipseAaron Dilloway & John Wiese7" Vinyl2
Kitty Play RecordsKPR 5
ExotericMetalux & John WieseCD7
  • US2006-04-18
Load RecordsLOAD 082
MultiplicationMerzbow & John WieseCD6
  • US2005-11-21
Misanthropic AgendaMAR012
Mental Peace Liberation FrontPain Jerk With John WieseCD8
Meatbox Records (Japanese Grind)MB-006[none]
Circle SnareJohn WieseCD4
  • US2009-04-20
No Fun Productions (noise label from Brooklyn, New York, USA)NFP49
[untitled]Kevin Drumm & John Wiese12" Vinyl7
Nihilist (American experimental label)NIHIL 63
Seven of WandsJohn WieseCD7
PAN (Berlin based experimental electronic/noise label)PAN 22
C-SectionJohn Wiese / Evan Parker12" Vinyl4
PAN (Berlin based experimental electronic/noise label)PAN 9
C-SectionJohn Wiese / Evan ParkerDigital Media4
PAN (Berlin based experimental electronic/noise label)PAN 9[none]
MRRJohn Wiese(unknown)1
PAN (Berlin based experimental electronic/noise label)PAN 93
Mixed Metaphor / Into a Bad WayJohn Wiese7" Vinyl2
Phage TapesPT:110[none]
Failing LightsDead Machines & John Wiese12" Vinyl2
Rococo Records (US label)RCC-0006
C-SectionEvan Parker / John WieseCD4
Second Layer RecordsSLR001[none]
Soft PunkJohn WieseCD13
Troubleman UnlimitedTMU 184694630018421
Jong / New Wave DustThurston Moore / John Wiese7" Vinyl2
Teenage Hallucination: 1992–1999John WieseCD52
EquinoxWolf Eyes With John WieseCD2
MirrorJohn WieseCD2
Vague MazePain Jerk & John Wiese7" Vinyl2
A Dear Girl Called WendyWE12[none]
Untitled (Batman) / KettuJohn Wiese / Jetstream Panic7" Vinyl2
Jonas Blank[none][none]
Free Piano b/w Hypersomnia (Bandcamp)Merzbow & John WieseDigital Media2
  • XW2020-05-01
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)[none]
Multiplication (Bandcamp)Merzbow & John WieseDigital Media6
  • XW2020-05-01
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)[none]
Mondo ParadoxaK.K. Null & John WieseCD10
Auf Abwegenaatp26
Live At Colour Out Of Space 2009Joseph Hammer / Karen Constance & John WieseCD-R2
Chocolate Monkchoc.233
CincinnatiJohn Wiese & C. Spencer YehCD14
DroneDiscofig. 95
NerimaPain Jerk & John WieseCD3
Anoema Recordingsnocd060[none]
Guilty Connector / John WieseGuilty Connector / John WieseVinyl5
Ataxie Disquestax 05
Accessible WorldSkin Graft / John WieseDigital Media9
  • XW2020-06-22
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)[none]
Electronic ExtensionAaron Dilloway / Robert Turman / John WieseDigital Media2
  • XW2020-10-02
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)[none]
Free Noise - Bristol Arnolfini, UK, May 3rd 2007Evan Parker, Paul Hession, Yellow Swans, John Wiese, C. Spencer Yeh, Metalux, John Edwards, CulverDigital Media2[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none]
Magnetic Stencil/ 1John WieseDigital Media2
  • XW2020-10-02
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)[none]
Continuous HoleDrew Daniel, John WieseDigital Media11
  • XW2018-05-01
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)
Escaped LanguageJohn WieseDigital Media1
  • XW2017-09-20
Gilgongo Records
Neu DimensionHair Stylistics / John WieseDigital Media8
  • XW2013-09-18
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)
MultiplicationMerzbow & John WieseDigital Media6
Helicopter (US noise/experimental)655035508528
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