
Album + Compilation

1990Praise God I’m SatisfiedBlind Willie Johnson1
1991Sweeter as the Years Go ByBlind Willie Johnson1
1994The Complete Blind Willie JohnsonBlind Willie Johnson2
1995Dark Was the Night: The Essential Recordings of Blind Willie JohnsonBlind Willie Johnson1
1998Dark Was the NightBlind Willie Johnson3
2004Complete Blues: The Soul of a ManBlind Willie Johnson1
2004King of the Guitar EvangelistsBlind Willie Johnson1
2010Dark Was the NightBlind Willie Johnson1
2011Complete Recorded Titles, Volume 1: 1927 to 10th December 1929Blind Willie Johnson2
2011Complete Recorded Titles, Volume 2: 11th December 1929 to 20th April 1930Blind Willie Johnson2
2013The Rough Guide to Blues Legends: Blind Willie JohnsonBlind Willie Johnson52
2017American Epic: The Best of Blind Willie JohnsonBlind Willie Johnson1
2021Dark Was The Night, Cold Was The GroundBlind Willie Johnson1
The Soul of a ManBlind Willie Johnson1


1928Dark Was the Night – Cold Was the Ground / It’s Nobody’s Fault but MineBlind Willie Johnson51
1928Mother’s Children Have a Hard Time / If I Had My Way I’d Tear the Building DownBlind Willie Johnson1
1930Let Your Light Shine on Me / God Don't Never ChangeBlind Willie Johnson1
1930John the Revelator / You’re Gonna Need Somebody on Your BondBlind Willie Johnson1

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