
member of:Love Spit Love
Guns N’ Roses (American hard rock band from Los Angeles) (from 2002 to present)
The Dead Daisies (from 2013-03 until 2016-01-27: electric guitar)
picture: [info]
Wikipedia:en: Richard Fortus [info]
Discogs: [info]
Wikidata:Q444021 [info]


DateTitleCredited AsAttributesArtistLength
HeavenRichard Fortisadditional and lead vocalsApartment 264:34
2001 – 2002SaviorguitarKristeen Young5:23
Animalselectric guitarBT7:25
Animalsbaritone guitarBT7:25
BetterguitarGuns N’ Roses4:59
Brand New KicksguitarThe Crystal Method4:17
Chinese DemocracyguitarGuns N’ Roses4:43
Circlesguitar [guitars]BT4:43
Dark Heart Dawningacoustic guitarBT7:08
Dark Heart Dawningbaritone guitar [baritone acoustic guitar]BT7:08
Das verträgt sich nicht mit unsguitarNena3:48
Die Tür geht zuguitarNena3:47
Es ist noch nicht zu spät / Das ist der AnfangguitarNena7:57
Hey Pauli (live version)guitarNena3:39
Hey Pauli ein neuer TonguitarNena3:40
Hochzeit je t’aimeguitarNena6:39
Ja kann man denn da überhaupt was machen / Ich will was NeuesguitarNena9:05
Machs dochguitarNena11:06
Ohne Liebe bin ich nichtsguitarNena3:15
Popbass and electric guitar*NSYNC3:58
ProstituteguitarGuns N’ Roses6:16
Rockin’ the SuburbsguitarBen Folds4:59
Shameadditional and guitar [guitars]BT3:21
Shame (Way Out West mix)additional and guitar [guitars]BT6:23
Shame (Way Out West mix) (part of a “Global Underground 021: Deep Dish in Moscow” DJ-mix)additional and guitarBT7:10
Smartbombguitar [live guitars]BT5:10
Smartbomb (Plump DJs mix)guitar [live guitars]BT4:51
Still Fighting Itadditional and guitarBen Folds4:26
Street of DreamsguitarGuns N’ Roses4:47
Superfabulousadditional and guitar [guitars]BT4:41
The Great EscapecelloBT feat. Caroline Lavelle & Richard Fortes6:58
The Great Escape (Attention Deficit mix)celloBT10:37
The Great Escape (Attention Deficit's Freewill remix) (part of a “Perfecto Presents… Sandra Collins” DJ‐mix)celloBT9:53
The Only Constant Is Changeslide guitarBT6:14
The Only Constant Is Changeeffects [woolly mammoth]BT6:14
There Was a TimeguitarGuns N’ Roses6:41
Wenn die Sonne scheintguitarNena4:40
Music From and Inspired by the Film Monsteradditional and guitarBT
Wide Awake
Wide Awake
Angel in Your Eyes
Devil Out of Time
Face I Love
Get Up, Get Ready
Last Night
Leave the Truth Behind
Looking for the One
Make the Best of It
My Time
Something I Said
With You and I
Your Karma