Culture Beat (German Euro-Dance duo)

~ Group


I Like You (feat. Lana E. and Jay Supreme)Culture Beat12" Vinyl5
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony)49 73600098707360015
Serenity ("CB 811" price code)Culture BeatCD14
  • XE1993-06-03
Dance Pool474101 2, DAN 474101 25099747410123
Inside OutCulture BeatCD14
Dance PoolZK 91079074649107925
SerenityCulture Beat[missing media]-
  • -2010-08-24
Mr. Vain RecallCulture BeatCD5
  • DE2003-06-10
Fuel Records (German house)0466-64362-95050466643629
Take Me AwayCulture BeatCD8
Interhit Records10165-2048981016528
Tell Me That You Wait (Remixes)Culture Beat feat. Lana Earl & Jay SupremeCD3
Dance Pool12-656531-145099765653151
No Deeper Meaning (Remixes)Culture Beat feat. Lana Earl & Jay SupremeCD3
Dance Pool12-656843-145099765684322
No Deeper MeaningCulture Beat feat. Lana E. & Jay SupremeDigital Media6
Abfahrt Media (Sublabel of Abfahrt Media GmbH)425033 0589799
HorizonCulture BeatCD12
  • DE1991-03-08
Dance Pool46796225099746796228
Mr. VainCulture BeatCD5
550 Music46K 77214098707721427
Got to Get ItCulture BeatCD5
  • US1994-02-08
550 Music46K 77382098707738227
AnythingCulture BeatCD6
550 Music46K 77495098707749520
SerenityCulture Beat2×CD14 + 7
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX), Dance Pool474101 99399747410199
Inside OutCulture Beat2×CD14 + 3
  • DE1995-11-03
Dance Pool481404 2, 481404 9, DAN 481404 25099748140425
Inside OutCulture BeatCD14
  • DE1995-11-03
Dance Pool481404 2, DAN 481404 25099748140425
Mr. Vain RecallCulture BeatCD3
EastWest5050466-7769-2-1, EW270CD5050466776921
Der ErdbeermundCulture BeatCD3
CBS (CBS Records’ international imprint from 1962–1990; renamed since 1991 as Columbia), CBS Dance Pool655429 35099765542936
Der ErdbeermundCulture BeatCD3
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony)655633 25099765563320
Mr. VainCulture BeatCD3
Dance Pool659152 2, DAN 659152 25099765915228
Mr. VainCulture BeatCD3
Dance Pool659152 2, DAN 659152 25099765915228
Got to Get ItCulture BeatCD6
Dance Pool659911 2
Mr. VainCulture BeatCD5
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX)6599563 29399765956327
AnythingCulture BeatCD4
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony)660025 25099766002521
AnythingCulture BeatCD5
Dance Pool660172 2
World in Your HandsCulture BeatCD4
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony)660229 25099766022925
Inside Out (Remixes)Culture BeatCD11
  • DE1995-01-01
Dance Pool662483 5, DAN 662483 55099766248356
Crying in the RainCulture BeatCD8
Dance Pool662882 2, DAN 662882 25099766288222
Crying in the RainCulture BeatCD6
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony)663358 2
Crying in the RainCulture BeatCD4
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony)663358 55099766335858
ChildrenBoyzone, Backstreet Boys, Captain Jack, Culture Beat, DJ BoBo, Fun Factory, Keksi & Die Falschen Freunde, Masterboy, Mr. President, Noble Savages, Rednex, Sashka, Worlds ApartCD4
EMI (EMI Records, since 1972), EMI Electrola (more likely the company trademark of EMI Electrola GmbH than an imprint), Hand in Hand for Children E.V., Power Brothers7243 8 82823 2 1724388282321
InsanityCulture BeatCD5
EastWest Records America (this label only briefly used between 1990–91, please read annotations before use)8573-89266-2685738926626
Best OfCulture BeatCD15
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony), Sony BMG Music Entertainment (Aug 5, 2004 - Oct 1, 2008)88697 28384 2886972838427
The Loungin' Side Of Culture BeatCulture BeatCD13
Sony Music (global brand, excluding JP, owned by Sony Music Entertainment)88725415902887254159025
SerenityCulture BeatCD12
550 MusicBK 57591074645759128
Pay No MindCulture BeatCD6
Blanco y Negro Music (Spain)BNCD 875(CM)8421597015758
Rendez-VousCulture BeatCD7
Blanco y Negro Music (Spain)BNCD 906 CM
Inside OutCulture BeatCD3
550 MusicBSK 7678
Der ErdbeermundCulture Beat feat. Jo Van Nelsen12" Vinyl2
CBS (CBS Records’ international imprint from 1962–1990; renamed since 1991 as Columbia)CBS 655429 65099765542967
MetamorphosisCulture BeatCD12
  • DE1998-06-19
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX)COL 489915 65099748991560
MetamorphosisCulture BeatCD13
  • DE1998-06-19
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX)COL 489915 95099748991591
Pay No MindCulture BeatCD6
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX)COL 66547525099766547527
Rendez-VousCulture BeatCD7
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX)COL 666089 25099766608921
SerenityCulture BeatCD16
  • GB2010-08-23
Cherry Pop (A division of Cherry Red)CR POP 605013929426023
SerenityCulture BeatCD14
  • DE1993-06-02
Dance PoolDAN 474101 25099747410123
The Remix AlbumCulture BeatCD11
  • DE1994-10-04
Dance PoolDAN 477669 25099747766923
No Deeper MeaningCulture BeatCD3
Dance PoolDAN 656843 55099765684353
Mr. VainCulture BeatCD2
Dance PoolDAN 659152 15099765915211
Mr. Vain (Remix)Culture BeatCD4
Dance PoolDAN 659152 55099765915259
Mr. VainCulture Beat12" Vinyl2
Dance PoolDAN 659152 65099765915266
Got to Get ItCulture BeatCD2
Dance PoolDAN 659618 15099765961812
Got to Get ItCulture BeatCD5
  • DE1993-11-06
Dance PoolDAN 659618 25099765961829
AnythingCulture BeatCD2
Dance PoolDAN 659956 15099765995619
AnythingCulture BeatCD5
Dance PoolDAN 659956 25099765995626
AnythingCulture BeatCD9Dance PoolDAN 659956 25099765995626
Anything (remix)Culture BeatCD4
Dance PoolDAN 659956 55099765995657
World In Your HandsCulture BeatCD2
Dance PoolDAN 660 220-15099766022017
World in Your HandsCulture BeatCD4
Dance PoolDAN 660220 25099766022024
World in Your HandsCulture BeatCD4
Dance PoolDAN 660220 55099766022055
Inside OutCulture BeatCD2
Dance PoolDAN 662483 15099766248318
Inside OutCulture BeatCD7
  • DE1995-01-01
Dance PoolDAN 662483 25099766248325
Crying in the RainCulture BeatCD2
Dance PoolDAN 662882 15099766288215
Crying in the RainCulture BeatCD8
Dance PoolDAN 662882 25099766288222
Crying in the Rain (remix)Culture BeatCD7
Dance PoolDAN 662882 55099766288253
Non Stop Hit Mix, Part 2E-Sensual / Corona / Claudia Chin / CB Milton / Lolo Ferrari / Culture Beat / Double VisionCD2
Dance PoolDAN 663002-25099766300221
Take Me AwayCulture BeatCD2
Dance PoolDAN 663384 15099766338415
Take Me AwayCulture BeatCD7
Dance PoolDAN 663384 25099766338422
Take Me AwayCulture BeatCD6
Dance PoolDAN 663384 55099766338453
Walk the Same LineCulture BeatEnhanced CD7
  • DE1996-10-03
Dance PoolDAN 663710 25099766371023
Walk the Same Line (remix)Culture BeatCD6
Dance PoolDAN 663710 55099766371054
Adelante!Culture Beat12" Vinyl3
Dance PoolDANSAMP 2327 6[none]
HorizonCulture BeatCD12
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony)EK4741507464474152
HorizonCulture BeatVinyl9
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony)EPC 467962 15099746796211
HorizonCulture BeatCD13
  • JP1991-06-21
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony)ESCA 53204988010532024
I Like You / No Deeper MeaningCulture BeatCD4
  • JP1991-10-10
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony)ESCA 54554988010545529
Best OfCulture BeatCD15
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony)epc 512815 25099751281528
Can’t Go On Like This (No, No)Culture Beat(unknown)4
InsanityCulture BeatCD7
Warner Music Germany (Don't use this as release label!)[none]
Your Love / The Summer is MagicCulture Beat / PlayahittyCD9
wea (has logo with just “wea” on it)[none]
Boombastic HitsCulture BeatCD12
CDM Productions501446952835
I Like YouCulture BeatCD3
CBS (CBS Records’ international imprint from 1962–1990; renamed since 1991 as Columbia)5099765602531
Mr. VainCulture BeatCD4
SerenityCulture BeatDigital Media14
  • DE2012-03-30
SerenityCulture BeatDigital Media14
  • DE2012-05-11
Mr. VainCulture BeatCD4
  • GB1993-04-16
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony)5099765946826
Mr. Vain (Remix)Culture BeatVinyl4
Pay No MindCulture BeatDigital Media6Abfahrt Records (German dance/house label)4250330587887
MetamorphosisCulture BeatDigital Media12Abfahrt Records (German dance/house label)4250330588068
AnythingCulture BeatDigital Media9
  • XW1993-01-01
Abfahrt Media (Sublabel of Abfahrt Media GmbH)4250330589713
Got to Get ItCulture BeatDigital Media11
Abfahrt Media (Sublabel of Abfahrt Media GmbH)
HorizonCulture BeatDigital Media12Abfahrt Media (Sublabel of Abfahrt Media GmbH)
Mr. VainCulture BeatDigital Media8Abfahrt Media (Sublabel of Abfahrt Media GmbH)
SerenityCulture Beat[missing media]-
Got to Get ItCulture Beat(unknown)6
Mr.Vain (Japan)Culture Beat(unknown)6
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