
The AlbumBlack MachineCD11
Carrère (just "CARRERE", not "CARRERE MUSIC")9031-77285-2
How Gee!Black MachineCD3
BCM RecordsBCM 205558711572205558
Get FunkyBlack MachineCD4
Dance Factory (Dutch commercial dance and house cat # "DFR")DFR 03-4182418440341827
Funky Funky PeopleBlack MachineCD4
Dance Factory (Dutch commercial dance and house cat # "DFR")DFR 41334014548100517
The AlbumBlack MachineCD11
Dance Factory (Dutch commercial dance and house cat # "DFR")DFR 6062
How GeeBlack MachineCD6
London RecordsLONCD 348042285748727
The AlbumBlack MachineCD11
NMCD 1028
U Make Me Come A LifeBlack MachineCD4
Dance Factory (Dutch commercial dance and house cat # "DFR")
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