You Am I

~ Group


Aussie rockers synonymous with the 'rock and roll is back!' and 'mid 90s indie rockers' tags should need no explanation to any Triple J listener. Their breakthrough hit circa 1995 'Berlin Chair' made Australian audiences think a little differently about their own music scene and suddenly rock was accessible, achievable and most of all, enjoyable again. Berlin Chair also had some success overseas.

A stripped-back 3 piece of Tim Rogers (guitars/vocals), Andy Kent (bass) and Rusty Hopkinson (drums), You Am I are known for kick-arse live shows full of banter, ad lib, Keith Townsend-esque windmills and 60s inspired rock and roll. Roger's side efforts include the country twang of Tim Rogers and the Temperance Union and his first solo release What Rhymes With Cars and Girls. They became a four-piece with the addition of Davey Lane (guitar) of The Pictures in 2001.

Despite ARIAs, gold records, playing Lolapalooza and rock star mates such as the Gallagher brothers (Oasis), success has had lament for the band and singer/songwriter Tim Rogers. They've released virtually every album on a different label, had punch ons in airports with TV stars. Through highs and lows, YAI are known to their fans as uncompromising, iconically Australian and a band that will never contrive a hit single to keep a label happy.

Annotation last modified on 2006-03-19 01:58 UTC.



1993Sound As EverYou Am I3
1995Hi Fi WayYou Am I3
1996Hourly, DailyYou Am I7
1998#4 RecordYou Am I2
2001Dress Me SlowlyYou Am I2
2002DeliveranceYou Am I2
2006ConvictsYou Am I4
2008DilettantesYou Am I1
2010You Am IYou Am I2
2015Porridge & HotsauceYou Am I1
2019All OnboardYou Am I1
2021The Lives of OthersYou Am I1

Album + Compilation

2003“No, After You Sir…” An Introduction to You Am IYou Am I1
2003The Cream & the CrockYou Am I32

Album + Live

1999Saturday Night, ’Round TenYou Am I2
2014Live ElectrifiedYou Am I2
Someone Else’s CrowdYou Am I1


1993Adam's RibsYou Am I1
1994Berlin ChairYou Am I1
1994Cathy’s ClownYou Am I1
1994Jaimme’s Got a GirlYou Am I1
1994When You Got Dry / How Much Is EnoughYou Am I1
1995Jewels and BulletsYou Am I1
1995Purple SneakersYou Am I1
1995Mr MilkYou Am I2
1996SoldiersYou Am I1
1996Good Mornin’You Am I2
1997TuesdayYou Am I1
1997TrikeYou Am I1
1998What I Don’t Know ’Bout YouYou Am I1
1998RumbleYou Am I1
1998Heavy HeartYou Am I1
2000DamageYou Am I1
2001Get UpYou Am I1
2001Kick a Hole in the SkyYou Am I1
2002Who Put the Devil in YouYou Am I1
2003DeliveranceYou Am I1
2013Songs for SlimFrank Black & The Suicide Commandos / You Am I1


1991Snake TideYou Am I1
1992Can’t Get StartedYou Am I1
1993CoprolaliaYou Am I1
2004Snake TideYou Am I1
2006GoddamnYou Am I1
20193D BluesThe Meanies / You Am I / Even1

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