

1967Action!Desmond Dekker and the Aces54
1967007 Shanty TownDesmond Dekker & the Aces2
1968IntensifiedDesmond Dekker and the Aces4
1969IsraelitesDesmond Dekker & the Aces2
1992Music Like DirtDesmond Dekker & the Aces1

Album + Compilation

1985The Original Reggae Hitsound of Desmond Dekker and the Aces (1965–1971)Desmond Dekker & the Aces2
1994Shanty Town OriginalDesmond Dekker & the Aces1
1995The Voice of SkaDesmond Dekker & the Aces2
2000Action! / IntensifiedDesmond Dekker & the Aces1


1966IsraelitesDesmond Dekker & the Aces1
1967007 / El ToroDesmond Dekker & the Aces / Roland Alphonso and Beverley's All Stars1
1968To Sir with Love / Fu ManchuDesmond Dekker & the Aces1
1969It Miek / My Precious LoveDesmond Dekker & the Aces1

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