
Keep On Dancin’Gary's Gang12" Vinyl6
  • US1979-03-02
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX)JC 35793
GangbustersGary's Gang12" Vinyl8
  • US1979-10-31
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX)JC 36240
Rock Around The ClockGary’s Gang7" Vinyl2
CBS (CBS Records’ international imprint from 1962–1990; renamed since 1991 as Columbia)8153, CBS S 8153[none]
Keep On Dancin'Gary’s GangCD9
  • NL2016-02-05
PTG RecordsPTG 342218717438198217
RunawayGary's Gang12" Vinyl2
Ariola (German label, used worldwide in the past)601.259
GangbustersGary's Gang12" Vinyl8
CBS (CBS Records’ international imprint from 1962–1990; renamed since 1991 as Columbia)CBS 83936
Keep On Dancin’Gary's GangCD3
Club ClassicsCLCL 0025027626850227
Knock Me OutGary's Gang12" Vinyl2
Radar Records (early 80s US disco)RDR-12000
Makin' MusicGary's Gang12" Vinyl2
Radar Records (early 80s US disco)RDR-12005
Keep On Dancin’ / Do It at the DiscoGary's Gang12" Vinyl2
Sam Records (Disco label from NY)S-12458
Dance PartyGary’s GangCD26
Unidisc (Canadian disco and dance music label)SPLK2-8036
Let's Lovedance TonightGary's GangVinyl2
12 Inch ClassicsGary's GangCD5
  • -1994
Unidisc (Canadian disco and dance music label)
Dance Party (disc 1)Gary's Gang(unknown)12
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