

2013All Our Forts Are With YouWild Billy Childish & CTMF1
2013Die Hinterstoißer TraverseWild Billy Childish & CTMF1
2014Acorn ManWild Billy Childish & CTMF2
2016SQ1Wild Billy Childish & CTMF1
2017In the Devil's FocusWild Billy Childish & CTMF1
2019Last Punk StandingWild Billy Childish & CTMF1
2021Where the Wild Purple Iris GrowsWild Billy Childish & CTMF1
2023Failure Not SuccessWild Billy Childish & CTMF1


2016A Glimpse of Another TimeWild Billy Childish & CTMF1
2016A Song For Kylie MinogueWild Billy Childish & CTMF1
2023Full Time PlagiaristThee Headcoats / CTMF2

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