Dylan Rhymes

~ Person


member of:Avenue A
legal name:Marvin Leigh Beaver
purchase music for download:https://www.beatport.com/artist/dylan-rhymes/2158 [info]
Discogs:https://www.discogs.com/artist/6521 [info]
Myspace:https://myspace.com/dylanrhymes [info]
social networking:https://twitter.com/dylanrhymes [info]
YouTube channels:https://www.youtube.com/dylanrhymes [info]


DateTitleCredited AsAttributesArtistLength
Killing Shadows (part of “Block Bustin’ Beats” DJ-mix)Dylan Rhymes4:31
Naked and Ashamed (remix)Dylan Rhymes4:33
Alright All NightLee Coombs & Dylan Rhymes?:??
Alright All NightLee Coombs5:19
Bloodsport (Dylan Rhymes remix)additionalSneaker Pimps6:22
DeliverancecoAvenue A5:06
Eye for an Eye (Dylan Rhymes vs Force Mass Motion remix)additionalUNKLE6:55
Morpheus (Meat Katie and Dylan Rhymes mix) (part of “Community Service” DJ‐mix)additionalKoma & Bones3:42
Music Is LifeLee Coombs5:36
Naked and Ashamed (remix)Dylan Rhymes4:33
Never Gonna Stop the Show (Dylan Rhymes mix)Dylan RhymesadditionalGeneral Midi7:08
Nine Ways (Dylan Rhymes mix)additionalJDS4:38
Our DestructionMeat Katie?:??
St. JamesDylan & Katie?:??
Strange FruitMeat Katie?:??
Turn It UpDylan & Katie?:??
70 Sensation (Dylan Rhymes remix)Santos7:10
Bloodsport (Dylan Rhymes remix)Sneaker Pimps6:22
Eye for an Eye (Dylan Rhymes vs Force Mass Motion remix)UNKLE6:55
Girls And Boys (Dylan Rhymes Remix)Aquasky & Elhornet7:08
Horndog (Dylan Rhymes remix Vox)Overseer4:26
Morpheus (Meat Katie & Dylan Rhymes Remix)Koma & Bones6:49
Morpheus (Meat Katie and Dylan Rhymes mix) (part of “Community Service” DJ‐mix)Koma & Bones3:42
Never Gonna Stop the Show (Dylan Rhymes mix)Dylan RhymesGeneral Midi7:08
Never Gonna Stop the Show (Dylan Rhymes mix) (part of “The World’s Greatest Electro House” DJ-mix)General Midi6:16
Nine Ways (Dylan Rhymes mix)JDS4:38
Restless (Dylan Rhymes mix)Evil Nine feat. Toastie Taylor7:02
Say Hello (Dylan Rhymes Acid Thunder mix)Deep Dish7:17
Scared (Dylan Rhymes remix)Slacker5:15
Shake 'em Down (Dylan Rhymes remix) (part of “Finger Lickin’ Records Presents: We Love It” dj‐mix)Soul of Man5:04
Shake 'Em Down (Dylan Rhymes Remix)Soul Of Man7:09
Slap It (Dylan Rhymes remix)additionalFluke7:45
The Force of Gravity (Dylan Rhymes Push Up mix)BT8:37
Society / RevolverDylan Rhymes
Original Masters IIForce Mass Motion vs Dylan Rhymes
Society / RevolverDylan Rhymes
Alright All Night
Music Is Life
Naked and Ashamed
Our Destruction
St. James
Strange Fruit
Turn It Up
Alright All Night
Music Is Life