Mel Pollan

~ Person


NameArtistISRCsRatingLengthRelease Groups
A Meia-Noite (At Midnight)Buddy Collette, Howard Roberts, Jim Helms, Mel Pollan, Leo Acosta & Darias
    A Pele Do Marfin (Skin Of Ivory)Buddy Collette, Howard Roberts, Jim Helms, Mel Pollan, Leo Acosta & Darias
      Amor Levado (Mischievous Love)Buddy Collette, Howard Roberts, Jim Helms, Mel Pollan, Leo Acosta & Darias
        Não Pode Ser (It Can Never Be)Buddy Collette, Howard Roberts, Jim Helms, Mel Pollan, Leo Acosta & Darias
          O Barulho Da Noite (Noise Of The Night)Buddy Collette, Howard Roberts, Jim Helms, Mel Pollan, Leo Acosta & Darias
            Porque De Moras? (Why Do You Linger?)Buddy Collette, Howard Roberts, Jim Helms, Mel Pollan, Leo Acosta & Darias
              Samba Da Tartaruga (Turtle Samba)Buddy Collette, Howard Roberts, Jim Helms, Mel Pollan, Leo Acosta & Darias
                Samba Un Pouco Azul (Blue Samba)Buddy Collette, Howard Roberts, Jim Helms, Mel Pollan, Leo Acosta & Darias

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