

1987ScumNapalm Death3.6515
1988From Enslavement to ObliterationNapalm Death3.510
1990Harmony CorruptionNapalm Death3.510
1992Utopia BanishedNapalm Death311
1994Fear, Emptiness, DespairNapalm Death3.57
1995DiatribesNapalm Death37
1997Inside the Torn ApartNapalm Death33
1998Words From the Exit WoundNapalm Death4.56
2000Enemy of the Music BusinessNapalm Death3.53
2002Order of the LeechNapalm Death35
2004Leaders Not Followers: Part 2Napalm Death33
2005The Code Is Red… Long Live the CodeNapalm Death3.54
2006Smear CampaignNapalm Death3.653
2009Time Waits for No SlaveNapalm Death2.57
2012UtilitarianNapalm Death35
2015Apex Predator – Easy MeatNapalm Death46
2020Throes of Joy in the Jaws of DefeatismNapalm Death5

Album + Compilation

1988From Enslavement to Obliteration + ScumNapalm Death3
1989The Peel Sessions (peel session 1+2)Napalm Death23
1991Death by ManipulationNapalm Death3.53
1992The World Keeps TurningNapalm Death31
1992Limited Edition Collectors Box SetNapalm Death1
1993The Peel Sessions (peel session 1+2+3)Napalm Death52
1998EP’s CollectionsNapalm Death1
2000The Complete Radio One SessionsNapalm Death21
2003Noise for Music’s SakeNapalm Death32
2008Leaders Not Followers: Part 2 / Darker Days AheadNapalm Death, Terrorizer1
2008The Code Is Red… Long Live the Code / Smear CampaignNapalm Death1
2011Diatribes / Greed Killing / Bootlegged in JapanNapalm Death31
2011Inside the Torn Apart / Words From the Exit Wound / Breed to BreatheNapalm Death41
2012Napalm DeathNapalm Death1
2014Grind Madness at the BBC: The Earache Peel SessionsNapalm Death13
2016The Best of Napalm DeathNapalm Death1
2018Coded Smears and More Uncommon SlursNapalm Death3

Album + Live

1992Live CorruptionNapalm Death2
1998Bootlegged in JapanNapalm Death33
2001The DVDNapalm Death1
2003Punishment in CapitalsNapalm Death34
2009Live in Japan (Grind Kaijyu Attack!)Napalm Death vs. Nasum1
2009Death Metal LiveDeicide / Decapitated / Carcass / Napalm Death1
2010Live at Rock CityNapalm Death1

Album + Remix

2020You Suffer / Dead: The RemixesNapalm Death1

Album + Demo

1985Hatred SurgeNapalm Death52
1986From Enslavement to ObliterationNapalm Death1


1988The CurseNapalm Death1
1989You Suffer / Mega Armageddon Death, Part 3Napalm Death / Electro Hippies1
1994HungNapalm Death2
1994More Than Meets the EyeNapalm Death1
1994Plague RagesNapalm Death1
1995Cursed to CrawlNapalm Death1
1998The InfiltratorNapalm Death1
1999IncineratorNapalm Death1
2005Tsunami BenefitThe Haunted / Napalm Death / Heaven Shall Burn1
2012Analysis ParalysisNapalm Death1
2013Sugar Daddy Live Split Series #9Melvins / Napalm Death1
2014To Go Off and ThingsNapalm Death1
2015EarthwireNapalm Death1
2015Forever Mountain / Phonetics for the StupefiedVoivod / Napalm Death1
2016Napalm Death / Melt‐BananaNapalm Death / Melt‐Banana1
2020Backlash Just BecauseNapalm Death1
2020AmoralNapalm Death1
2020A Bellyful of Salt and SpleenNapalm Death1
2021NarcissusNapalm Death1

Single + Remix

2012You Suffer (Ralph Brown remix)Napalm Death1
2019You Suffer (S3RL remix)Napalm Death1


1988The Peel Sessions (peel session 1)Napalm Death1
1989LiveNapalm Death31
1989Mentally MurderedNapalm Death2
1989Napalm Death / S.O.B.Napalm Death / S.O.B.1
1990Suffer the ChildrenNapalm Death3
1991Mass Appeal MadnessNapalm Death33
1992The World Keeps Turning EPNapalm Death32
1992One and the SameNapalm Death1
1993Nazi Punks Fuck OffNapalm Death2
1995Greed KillingNapalm Death22
1997In Tongues We SpeakNapalm Death / Coalesce2.52
1997Breed to BreatheNapalm Death32
1997Inside the Torn ApartNapalm Death1
1999Leaders Not FollowersNapalm Death32
2009Time Waits for No SlaveNapalm Death1
2012Converge / Napalm DeathConverge / Napalm Death42
2013Napalm Death / Insect WarfareNapalm Death / Insect Warfare1
2015The Mission CreepHeaven Shall Burn / Napalm Death1
2018Stunt Your GrowthNapalm Death1
2020Logic Ravaged by Brute ForceNapalm Death2
2020Ultra Thrash Noise Cranium Meltdown 1″ Split E.P.Yacøpsæ / Napalm Death1
2022Resentment Is Always Seismic – A Final Throw of ThroesNapalm Death22

EP + Compilation

2014Our Pain Is Their PowerNapalm Death1

EP + Demo

1982HalloweenNapalm Death1
1982And, Like Sheep, We Have All Gone AstrayNapalm Death1
1982Punk Is a Rotting CorpseNapalm Death1
1983KakNapalm Death1
1983Unpopular Yawns of Middle Class WarfareNapalm Death1
1986ScumNapalm Death1

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