

1925The Wanderer's Warning / Will The Angels Play Their Harps For MeBud Billings and Joe Billings1
1927My Blue Ridge Mountain Home / Golden SlippersVernon Dalhart & Carson Robison1
1929I Left My Gal in the Mountains / Railroad BoomerCarson Robison & Frank Luther2
1929Less Than That / Nothin'Carson Robison1
Down on the Old Plantation / The Little Old Log Cabin in the LaneBud Billings - Carson Robison / Ernest V. Stoneman and His Dixie Mountaineers1
When the Bloom Is on the Sage / Oh Bury Me Out on the PrairieBud Billings - Carson Robison / Delmore Brothers1


19441944 Nursery Rhymes / The Charms of the City Ain’t for Me / Pins and NeedlesCarson Robinson with orchestra / Roy Acuff and His Smoky Mountain Boys1

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