
Album + Compilation

2022Star Trek Collection: The Final FrontierJerry GoldsmithDennis McCarthyJay ChattawayDavid BellKevin KinerPaul BaillargeonVelton Ray Bunch1

Album + Compilation + Soundtrack

2013Star Trek: Music From the Video GamesDominik Hauser; Dennis McCarthyKevin KinerRon JonesKevin MantheiDanny PelfreyRod AbernethyRoland RizzoGregory SmithSteve Scherer; Alexander Courage and Jerry Goldsmith1

Album + Soundtrack

1988Star Trek: The Next Generation, Volume 1: Encounter at FarpointDennis McCarthy33
1992Star Trek: The Next Generation, Volume 3: Yesterday’s Enterprise / Unification I & II / Hollow PursuitsDennis McCarthy34
1993Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The EmissaryDennis McCarthy32
1994Star Trek: GenerationsDennis McCarthy45
1995The UtilizerDennis McCarthy41
1998V: The Final BattleDennis McCarthy2
2002EnterpriseDennis McCarthy35
2014Star Trek: The Next Generation: Encounter at Farpoint / The Arsenal of FreedomDennis McCarthy1
2014Star Trek: Enterprise (TV Series (2001 - 2005))Dennis McCarthy, Kevin Kiner, Jay Chattaway, David Bell, Paul Baillargeon, Velton Ray Bunch, Mark McKenzie, John Frizzell & Brian Tyler1
2016Star Trek: Enterprise Collection Volume 2Dennis McCarthy, Jay Chattaway, Paul Baillargeon, Velton Ray Bunch, Kevin Kiner, David Bell, Brian Tyler andJohn Frizzell1
2018Death of a NationDennis McCarthy1
2019The Dennis McCarthy Collection: Volume 1: Staying Afloat / Sworn to Silence / In The Name of Love: A Texas Tragedy / In My Sister's ShadowDennis McCarthy1
2019What We Left Behind: Looking Back at Star Trek: Deep Space NineDennis McCarthy & Kevin Kiner2
2019Star Trek Voyager Collection Volume 2Jay Chattaway, Dennis McCarthy, David Bell & Paul Baillargeon1
2021Die Mommie Die!Dennis McCarthy1


1993Theme from Star Trek: Deep Space NineDennis McCarthy2
2013"The Inner Light" Theme for Solo PianoDennis McCarthy1
"Love Among the Stars": Music Inspired by Star Trek: The Next GenerationDennis McCarthy1

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