Dan DeSimone

~ Person


NameArtistISRCsRatingLengthRelease Groups
Conker's Bad Fur Day Jazz MedleyDan DeSimone, FamilyJules7x & insaneintherainmusic7:38
DK Island (from “Donkey Kong 64”)The Game Brass feat. Dan DeSimone, Kristin Naigus, Soundole and Bassoonify4:59
Étude Pour les Petites SupercordesDan DeSimone
    Floating Through the Skies (To Far Away Times)Sab Irene feat. Dan DeSimone & insaneintherainmusic4:21
    Morning of the Slag Ravine (From “Castle in the Sky”)Moisés Nieto & Dan DeSimone1:12
    Never Ending Adventure (from “Dark Cloud 2”)Dan DeSimone & Michaela Nachtigall3:23
    The CliftlandsFamilyJules feat. Dan DeSimone3:28
    To Zanarkand (Final Fantasy X)Dan DeSimone1:27
    World RevolutionJulia Henderson feat. Marc Papeghin, Dan DeSimone & Daniel Romberger4:13

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