Bad Company UK (drum & bass, aka )EIB()

~ Group


Bad Company is releasing their new material under the name Bad Company UK probably due to avoid mix up with the rock group Bad Company, so please do not merge these two artists, even though they had the same name on older releases.

Bad Company UK has an alias (or a logo). It's usually written down as )EIB(, )EI3( or DEIEC. This logo is formed by writing BC and reflecting it with a mirror. 'I' is the mirror.

Annotation last modified on 2006-02-17 13:37 UTC.



2000Inside the MachineBC4
2000Digital NationBad Company UK4
2001Book of the BadBad Company UK5
2018Ice Station ZeroBad Company UK2

Album + Compilation

2002Shot Down on SafariBad Company UK34


1998The Nine / The BridgeBad Company UK2
1999The Pulse / China CupBC1
1999Planet Dust / Never BelieveBad Company & Dillinja1
2000Digital Nation: Album SamplerBad Company UK1
2000Coma / SpraycanBad Company UK2
2000Inside the Machine LP SamplerBad Company UK1
2001Planet DustBad Company UK1
2001Drum & Bass Arena LP SamplerBad Company UK1
2001The Nine / DogfightBad Company UK1
2002SpacehopperBad Company UK1
2002Rush Hour / BlindBad Company UK2
2018RuckusBad Company UK feat. $pyda1
Machine / NitrousScottie / Bad Company + Trace1

Single + Remix

2003Grunge 3 / Mass Hysteria (the remixes)Bad Company UK1
2009Bullet Time RemixesBad Company UK1
2017Nitrous (Audio remix)Bad Company UK & Trace1


1999The Fear EPBad Company UK2
1999TwistedOptical : Ryme Tyme : Bad Company1
2003Mo’ Fire / Nitrous (Remixes)Rawhill Cru / Bad Company UK1
2003Ad InfinitumBad Company UK1

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