ASC (James Clements)

~ Person

Legal name: James Clements (electronic music and film composer; ASC)

Also performs as: Comit, Intex Systems, Mindspan, Nereid (techno)



2004Open SpacesASC1
2009The Astral TravellerASC3
2009Heights of PerceptionASC1
2010Nothing Is CertainASC1
2011The Light That Burns Twice As BrightASC4
2012Decayed SocietyASC & Sam KDC2
2012Out of SyncASC2
2013Time Heals AllASC3
2014Truth Be ToldASC2
2015Imagine the FutureASC2
2015Fervent DreamASC2
2016The Farthest ReachesASC52
2016No Stars Without DarknessASC2
2017Trans‐Neptunian ObjectsASC2
2018Astral ProjectionASC2
2018Trans‐Neptunian Objects 2ASC2
2019The WavesASC2
2019Realm of the InfiniteASC2
2019Realm of the VoidASC2
2020A Restless MindASC & Sam KDC2
2020The Tonal CyclesASC2
2020Isolated SystemsASC2
2021Triple A ThreatASC & Assorted Anonymous1
2021Dimensional SpaceASC & Inhmost1
2021The Moons of SaturnASC & Inhmost1
2022Original SoundtrackASC2
2022Colours of AbsenceASC1
2022Eye of the StormASC1
2023Hiding in Plain SightASC1
2023The Depths of SpaceASC1

Album + Compilation

2014AUXWL001-003ASC / Sam.KDC / Synth Sense1
2014The Sci-FilesASC1
2016Colours Fade. Volume OneASC1
2016Colours Fade. Volume TwoASC1
2016Colours Fade. Volume ThreeASC1
2018Colours Fade. Volume FourASC1
2020Colours Fade. Volume FiveASC1
2020Pattern Recognition: First SequenceASC1
2020Pattern Recognition: Second SequenceASC1
2021The Space Cadets FilesASC1

Album + Soundtrack

2016Near DeathASC1

Album + Remix



1999Lifeforce / Reverse Polarity / Chrysalis (edit)ASC1
20002019 (The Nexus Spiral) / Surface TensionASC2
2001Cataclysm / Solemn ThoughtsASC1
2001Silver Breeze / ResolutionASC1
2001Skyline / Search for Life / Equanimity / NetworkPariah / Intersperse / ASC1
2001Ethereal Images / SerenityASC1
2002Photosphere / Drum Track 1 (Burning Bridges) / VitrisseASC & Intex Systems1
2003Tenth Zone East / Mind ControlASC1
2003Windchime / Offworld Tides / StatureASC2
2004Like a Wall, Around YouQuoit vs. Submerged / ASC1
2004Drum Track 2 (The Venom...) / Twitchy Droid LegASC & Sileni1
2004Black Steel / What Lies BeneathASC / Wizard1
2004Binary PlanetsASC & Intex Systems1
2004Hi-Fi (remix) / Ethereal Images (remix) / Leave (remix) / Forgotten Worlds (remix)Resound / ASC / Galaxi / ASC1
2004System Shock / Static ShockASC2
2005Numatic / Pegasus 77 / StreamlineASC2
2005Space Probes / Solar WindsASC1
2005Drum Track 3 (Heatsink) / FreshASC feat. Intex Systems1
2005Forcefield / Zero Sequence / CohesionASC1
2006Switchblade / Neural NetASC & Motion / Greenfly51
2006Resolution (remix) / Kismet / HighbrowASC2
2006Recharge / Quadraxis / VenusASC & Subwave / ASC & Motion1
2006Bad Dreams / Girls and Their DemonsASC / Cryo51
2006Distress Signal / Second SightASC2
2006Drago's Path / TradewindDJ Trax + Macc v ASC1
2006Atlantic Breeze / SunriseASC1
2006Snowstorm / TensionASC1
2007Too Deep for Ya / ScepticalASC & Mav1
2007Confusion / Secret WeaponASC1
2007Datastream / Aftershock / StarbeamsASC1
2007Amethyst / The LabyrinthBlame / ASC & Aaron Myers1
2007Mystical Aura / DreamstateInsight v ASC1
2007Energy Core / GreyscaleASC1
2007The Pursuit / Frozen ShoresASC1
2007Orbit / Critical OrbitASC1
2008Sci-Files Volume OneASC1
2008Sci-Files Volume TwoASC1
2008Storm System / TreadASC & Subwave / Nuance1
2008Sci-Files Volume ThreeASC1
2008Waterpipe / SmartbombResound & Furi Anga / ASC1
2008Sci-Files Volume FourASC1
2008Sci-Files Volume FiveASC1
2008Cold Nights / Deep WarpTactile, Spinline, Munk & Naibu / ASC & Third Rail1
2008Sci-Files Volume SixASC1
2008Windchime (remix)ASC1
2009Starkwood / ReformASC3
2009Porcelain / Focus InwardsASC2
2010Phobos / Oort Cloud / Matter of TimeASC2
2010The TouchASC1
2010Advent / The GlowASC2
2011Symbol #1ASC1
2011Silkworm / Moonscape / Orange to RedASC / Method One & Stunna2
2011Comsat / The LairASC2

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