Disc ID “1suNSC6IHUsmnKXrZsN1ryuRNlE-

CD TOC details

Full TOC: 1 12 214331 150 15148 33035 55499 69249 90860 104399 123444 143764 162800 176849 188137
Disc ID: 1suNSC6IHUsmnKXrZsN1ryuRNlE-
FreeDB: 8c0b270c
Total tracks: 12
Total length: 47:38
Track details:
Track Start Length End
Time Sectors Time Sectors Time Sectors
1 0:02 150 3:20 14998 3:22 15148
2 3:22 15148 3:58 17887 7:20 33035
3 7:20 33035 5:00 22464 12:20 55499
4 12:20 55499 3:03 13750 15:23 69249
5 15:23 69249 4:48 21611 20:11 90860
6 20:11 90860 3:01 13539 23:12 104399
7 23:12 104399 4:14 19045 27:26 123444
8 27:26 123444 4:31 20320 31:57 143764
9 31:57 143764 4:14 19036 36:11 162800
10 36:11 162800 3:07 14049 39:18 176849
11 39:18 176849 2:31 11288 41:48 188137
12 41:48 188137 5:49 26194 47:38 214331

Attached to releases

Position Title Artist Format Country/Date Label Catalog# Barcode
1/1 (show tracklist) Francis' Lonely Nights Janove Ottesen Copy Control CD
EMI Music Norway AS (do not use as release label! subsidiary of WMG since 2013) 07243 473748 2 1 0724347374821