Disc ID “3NTAL1DU0DEwwTiKuT8mNNaZmTs-

CD TOC details

Full TOC: 1 15 204577 150 19121 22709 47074 62915 74172 93610 109501 120205 121217 138940 158239 165763 184317 187923
Disc ID: 3NTAL1DU0DEwwTiKuT8mNNaZmTs-
FreeDB: bd0aa50f
Total tracks: 15
Total length: 45:28
Track details:
Track Start Length End
Time Sectors Time Sectors Time Sectors
1 0:02 150 4:13 18971 4:15 19121
2 4:15 19121 0:48 3588 5:03 22709
3 5:03 22709 5:25 24365 10:28 47074
4 10:28 47074 3:31 15841 13:59 62915
5 13:59 62915 2:30 11257 16:29 74172
6 16:29 74172 4:19 19438 20:48 93610
7 20:48 93610 3:32 15891 24:20 109501
8 24:20 109501 2:23 10704 26:43 120205
9 26:43 120205 0:13 1012 26:56 121217
10 26:56 121217 3:56 17723 30:53 138940
11 30:53 138940 4:17 19299 35:10 158239
12 35:10 158239 1:40 7524 36:50 165763
13 36:50 165763 4:07 18554 40:58 184317
14 40:58 184317 0:48 3606 41:46 187923
15 41:46 187923 3:42 16654 45:28 204577

Attached to releases

Position Title Artist Format Country/Date Label Catalog# Barcode
1/1 (show tracklist) Supersmell Mardi Gras.bb CD
  • DE2000-08-07
159 014-2 601215901429
1/2 (show tracklist) Supersmell Mardi Gras.bb Enhanced CD
  • DE2001-04-13
Boutique (German jazz label, sub-label of Universal Jazz) 013 958-2 044001395826