Disc ID “EJEACdBCcZGHqh5j3VTghDlAk9M-

CD TOC details

Full TOC: 1 22 317747 150 16012 44587 57487 71025 82987 95850 113100 125700 139050 152662 173250 189525 202912 213112 224925 236625 248212 261525 273450 289875 304425
Disc ID: EJEACdBCcZGHqh5j3VTghDlAk9M-
FreeDB: 58108a16
Total tracks: 22
Total length: 1:10:37
Track details:
Track Start Length End
Time Sectors Time Sectors Time Sectors
1 0:02 150 3:31 15862 3:33 16012
2 3:33 16012 6:21 28575 9:54 44587
3 9:54 44587 2:52 12900 12:46 57487
4 12:46 57487 3:01 13538 15:47 71025
5 15:47 71025 2:39 11962 18:26 82987
6 18:26 82987 2:52 12863 21:18 95850
7 21:18 95850 3:50 17250 25:08 113100
8 25:08 113100 2:48 12600 27:56 125700
9 27:56 125700 2:58 13350 30:54 139050
10 30:54 139050 3:01 13612 33:55 152662
11 33:55 152662 4:35 20588 38:30 173250
12 38:30 173250 3:37 16275 42:07 189525
13 42:07 189525 2:58 13387 45:05 202912
14 45:05 202912 2:16 10200 47:21 213112
15 47:21 213112 2:38 11813 49:59 224925
16 49:59 224925 2:36 11700 52:35 236625
17 52:35 236625 2:34 11587 55:09 248212
18 55:09 248212 2:58 13313 58:07 261525
19 58:07 261525 2:39 11925 1:00:46 273450
20 1:00:46 273450 3:39 16425 1:04:25 289875
21 1:04:25 289875 3:14 14550 1:07:39 304425
22 1:07:39 304425 2:58 13322 1:10:37 317747

Attached to releases

Position Title Artist Format Country/Date Label Catalog# Barcode
1/1 (show tracklist) Curly Locks: Best of 1970-1976 Junior Byles & The Upsetters CD
Heartbeat Records (US reggae/dancehall) CD HB 208 011661770829