Disc ID “O0OWRfYEiKdwKGXjrBpM7IeWbmE-

CD TOC details

Full TOC: 1 17 333790 150 15070 29395 46232 59320 76007 94460 110845 170800 195140 208037 222525 236162 257537 282625 300162 317162
Disc ID: O0OWRfYEiKdwKGXjrBpM7IeWbmE-
FreeDB: e8116011
Total tracks: 17
Total length: 1:14:11
Track details:
Track Start Length End
Time Sectors Time Sectors Time Sectors
1 0:02 150 3:19 14920 3:21 15070
2 3:21 15070 3:11 14325 6:32 29395
3 6:32 29395 3:44 16837 10:16 46232
4 10:16 46232 2:55 13088 13:11 59320
5 13:11 59320 3:42 16687 16:53 76007
6 16:53 76007 4:06 18453 20:59 94460
7 20:59 94460 3:38 16385 24:38 110845
8 24:38 110845 13:19 59955 37:57 170800
9 37:57 170800 5:25 24340 43:22 195140
10 43:22 195140 2:52 12897 46:14 208037
11 46:14 208037 3:13 14488 49:27 222525
12 49:27 222525 3:02 13637 52:29 236162
13 52:29 236162 4:45 21375 57:14 257537
14 57:14 257537 5:35 25088 1:02:48 282625
15 1:02:48 282625 3:54 17537 1:06:42 300162
16 1:06:42 300162 3:47 17000 1:10:29 317162
17 1:10:29 317162 3:42 16628 1:14:11 333790

Attached to releases

Position Title Artist Format Country/Date Label Catalog# Barcode
1/1 (show tracklist) Collection Part Two Christy Moore CD
The Grapevine Label GRACD 234 5019148922346