Disc ID “UMCDfix2QFCEpzH1mGulG.J.zpw-

CD TOC details

Full TOC: 1 21 358378 150 14905 30572 52705 68335 81215 94039 108860 124525 140876 158697 174970 193457 218421 234605 256486 277344 295732 311029 325867 336856
Disc ID: UMCDfix2QFCEpzH1mGulG.J.zpw-
FreeDB: 2e12a815
Total tracks: 21
Total length: 1:19:38
Track details:
Track Start Length End
Time Sectors Time Sectors Time Sectors
1 0:02 150 3:17 14755 3:19 14905
2 3:19 14905 3:29 15667 6:48 30572
3 6:48 30572 4:55 22133 11:43 52705
4 11:43 52705 3:28 15630 15:11 68335
5 15:11 68335 2:52 12880 18:03 81215
6 18:03 81215 2:51 12824 20:54 94039
7 20:54 94039 3:18 14821 24:11 108860
8 24:11 108860 3:29 15665 27:40 124525
9 27:40 124525 3:38 16351 31:18 140876
10 31:18 140876 3:58 17821 35:16 158697
11 35:16 158697 3:37 16273 38:53 174970
12 38:53 174970 4:06 18487 42:59 193457
13 42:59 193457 5:33 24964 48:32 218421
14 48:32 218421 3:36 16184 52:08 234605
15 52:08 234605 4:52 21881 57:00 256486
16 57:00 256486 4:38 20858 1:01:38 277344
17 1:01:38 277344 4:05 18388 1:05:43 295732
18 1:05:43 295732 3:24 15297 1:09:07 311029
19 1:09:07 311029 3:18 14838 1:12:25 325867
20 1:12:25 325867 2:27 10989 1:14:51 336856
21 1:14:51 336856 4:47 21522 1:19:38 358378

Attached to releases

Position Title Artist Format Country/Date Label Catalog# Barcode
3/4 (show tracklist) Best of Dance: The Complete Collection (1-2 mixed; 3-4 unmixed) Various Artists CD
Vidisco 11.80.8843 5602515884387