Disc ID “kdhpdwqVREbfNf_TlpSI1yX_bSI-

CD TOC details

Full TOC: 1 18 331645 150 21742 41618 58909 80679 98131 116469 135313 153237 169256 188415 207975 222473 240941 259726 276638 294701 310462
Disc ID: kdhpdwqVREbfNf_TlpSI1yX_bSI-
FreeDB: 10114312
Total tracks: 18
Total length: 1:13:42
Track details:
Track Start Length End
Time Sectors Time Sectors Time Sectors
1 0:02 150 4:48 21592 4:50 21742
2 4:50 21742 4:25 19876 9:15 41618
3 9:15 41618 3:51 17291 13:05 58909
4 13:05 58909 4:50 21770 17:56 80679
5 17:56 80679 3:53 17452 21:48 98131
6 21:48 98131 4:05 18338 25:53 116469
7 25:53 116469 4:11 18844 30:04 135313
8 30:04 135313 3:59 17924 34:03 153237
9 34:03 153237 3:34 16019 37:37 169256
10 37:37 169256 4:15 19159 41:52 188415
11 41:52 188415 4:21 19560 46:13 207975
12 46:13 207975 3:13 14498 49:26 222473
13 49:26 222473 4:06 18468 53:33 240941
14 53:33 240941 4:10 18785 57:43 259726
15 57:43 259726 3:45 16912 1:01:29 276638
16 1:01:29 276638 4:01 18063 1:05:29 294701
17 1:05:29 294701 3:30 15761 1:08:59 310462
18 1:08:59 310462 4:42 21183 1:13:42 331645

Attached to releases

Position Title Artist Format Country/Date Label Catalog# Barcode
2/2 (show tracklist) PopArt: The Hits Pet Shop Boys CD
Parlophone 07243 593884 2 7 0724359388427