Disc ID “nbNeEme.IJ684E5PEAaUr0TsCdE-

CD TOC details

Full TOC: 1 20 355363 150 23533 36735 61487 84645 102098 118878 138614 152289 176224 195747 211460 226293 241641 255967 273415 281000 304359 313999 334030
Disc ID: nbNeEme.IJ684E5PEAaUr0TsCdE-
FreeDB: 23128014
Total tracks: 20
Total length: 1:18:58
Track details:
Track Start Length End
Time Sectors Time Sectors Time Sectors
1 0:02 150 5:12 23383 5:14 23533
2 5:14 23533 2:56 13202 8:10 36735
3 8:10 36735 5:30 24752 13:40 61487
4 13:40 61487 5:09 23158 18:49 84645
5 18:49 84645 3:53 17453 22:41 102098
6 22:41 102098 3:44 16780 26:25 118878
7 26:25 118878 4:23 19736 30:48 138614
8 30:48 138614 3:02 13675 33:51 152289
9 33:51 152289 5:19 23935 39:10 176224
10 39:10 176224 4:20 19523 43:30 195747
11 43:30 195747 3:30 15713 46:59 211460
12 46:59 211460 3:18 14833 50:17 226293
13 50:17 226293 3:25 15348 53:42 241641
14 53:42 241641 3:11 14326 56:53 255967
15 56:53 255967 3:53 17448 1:00:46 273415
16 1:00:46 273415 1:41 7585 1:02:27 281000
17 1:02:27 281000 5:11 23359 1:07:38 304359
18 1:07:38 304359 2:09 9640 1:09:47 313999
19 1:09:47 313999 4:27 20031 1:14:14 334030
20 1:14:14 334030 4:44 21333 1:18:58 355363

Attached to releases

Position Title Artist Format Country/Date Label Catalog# Barcode
2/4 (show tracklist) Best of Dance: The Complete Collection (1-2 mixed; 3-4 unmixed) Various Artists CD
Vidisco 11.80.8843 5602515884387