Development / Seeding / Release Editor

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This page documents a list of parameters you can POST to the release editor to “seed” it. All values are optional unless otherwise stated.

To create a new release:

The MusicBrainz server includes an example which demonstrates seeding: seed-love-bug.html.

Release data

The name of the release. Non-empty string. Required

Release group data

We can either re-use an existing release group with

The MBID of an existing release group

Or we can create a new release group which will have the name of the release by listing its type(s)

The type(s) of the release group that will be created. The possible values are the names of the release group types, in English (see the documentation). This can be specified multiple times to select multiple secondary types, though only one primary type should be specified (if you specify more than one, only one will be set).
A disambiguation comment for the release. Non-empty string
Text to place in the releases annotation. Use a text area / multi-line text
The barcode of the release. May be any valid barcode without whitespace. To indicate there is no barcode, seed "none".
The language of the release. May be any valid ISO 639-3 code (for example: eng, deu, jpn)
The script of the text on the release. May be any valid ISO 15924 code (for example: Latn, Cyrl)
The status of the release, as defined by MusicBrainz. Possible values: official, promotion, bootleg, pseudo-release
The type of packaging of the release. The possible values are the names of the release group types, in English (see the documentation).

 Release events

A release can have zero, one or several release events. Each release event is composed of a date and a country. You must specify a positive integer for the x part of the field name to specify which release event referring to. For example: & or & & & Any of the fields can be omitted or sent blank if unknown (so, you can seed only the year and country, or only the month and day).
The date of the release event. Each field is an integer
The country of the release event. May be any valid country ISO code (for example: GB, US, FR)

Labels and catalog numbers

Releases may be associated with multiple labels and catalog numbers, so the fields for specifying these are a little different. You must specify a positive integer for the x part of the field name to specify which label/catalog number pair you are referring to. For example: label.0.mbid and label.0.catalog_number

The MBID of the label
The catalog number of this release, for label x
The name of the label (to prefill the field in order to search for the label via the site interface). If an MBID is present, this value is ignored

Artist credit

A release may be credited to multiple artists via what is known as an Artist Credit. To specify the artists a release is credited to, you can use the following fields:

The MBID of the artist. If omitted you will be able to either create the artist in the release editor, or search MusicBrainz for this artist
The name of the artist, as credited on the release. Optional, if omitted it will default to the artist’s current name
The name of the artist as it is usually referred too (to prefill the field in order to search for the artist via the site interface). Unneeded if you already specified both credited name and MBID
An optional phrase to join this artist with the next artist. For example, you could use “ & ” to join “Calvin” with “Hobbes” to get the final text “Calvin & Hobbes”

Tracklists data

As with labels above, there may be multiple mediums and tracklists which themselves may contain multiple tracks, so again you will need to fill in the x and y parameters accordingly. As with others, x and y are 0-indexed. Values for x must be in consecutive order starting with 0; with at least 1 track for each medium.


Any valid medium format name. The possible values are the names of the medium formats, in English (see the documentation, or check the release editor page’s source code)
The name of medium x (for example “Live & Unreleased”)

The name of track y on medium x
The free-form track number of track y on medium x
The MBID of an existing recording in the database which should be associated with track y on medium x
The tracks duration, in MM:SS form or a single integer as milliseconds
Track artist credits

Refer to release artist credit, as track artist credits share the same syntax. Here too you can have z artists (the first being 0 again).


URL relationships

You can seed a list of URLs to add as relationships to the release, using the following fields:

The URL to relate to. Non-empty string.
The integer link type ID to use for the relationship. Not required; if left blank, can be selected in the release editor.

Other data

Specify the content of the edit note. Use a text area / multi-line text
A URI to redirect to after the release is submitted. The release's MBID will be added to this URI under the 'release_mbid' query parameter. E.g., if '' is provided for this, the user will be redirected to a URI like ''