MetaBrainz Meeting

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Every Monday members of the MetaBrainz community gather on the #metabrainz IRC channel to discuss whatever issues need discussing. On occasion the meeting is moved to a different day, but it is never moved to a different time slot: it always takes place at "Regular Meeting Time" and should last for at most an hour.


The meeting will typically start off by "Reviews": people present talk about what they have been doing for the last week and sometimes their plans for the coming one. Following this will be whatever topics community members have added to the agenda during the week.


Meetings typically include the core MetaBrainz team, volunteer project leaders, Summer of Code contributors, and a number of other members of the community - any community member is welcome to participate.

To add a topic to the upcoming meeting's agenda, simply edit the channel topic in #metabrainz.


The one leading the meeting will start off the meeting and pick the one to give their review first. Once someone has given their review, they pick the next person to give their review and whom then goes on to pick the next, until everybody who has posted reviews are done and the meeting moves on to other agenda items. Reviews should usually not take more than 3–5 minutes per person.

Questions and commentary are welcome after a review, if kept brief. In these cases the next person should pause until discussion is resolved, and then resume/begin their review. Longer discussions should be held for after the meeting, or added to the agenda as a separate topic.

If you wish to be a regular attendant of the meetings, you should add yourself to /Regulars to be called on every meeting. Be sure to remove yourself or make a note if you’re no longer going to regularly show up. :) (People who have missed a number of meetings without notice may also get removed and need to add themselves again to get put into the regular rotation.)

If you're unable to attend the meeting but would still like to give a review, you should send an e-mail to whoever is leading the meeting (sending to should be a safe option).


Meeting notes will be posted on the MetaBrainz forums within 24 hours of a meeting, always following the same format. They can be found using the 'metabrainz-meeting-notes' tag.

Regular Meeting Time

Regular Meeting Time is the time at which most IRC meetings are scheduled, most importantly the weekly MetaBrainz chat. Because meetings are attended by people from many countries all over the world, "Regular Meeting Time" is different for each of the attendees when expressed in local time.

The meeting time is anchored to 19:00 in mainland Europe.

Europe switches to daylight savings time (CEST) on the last Sunday in March, and switches back to CET on the last Sunday of October. If you are in a country or state which observes DST on different dates, or which doesn't observe DST at all you will have take this into account. Please consult the list below for details for your time zone.


  • 18:00 UTC during European winter
  • 17:00 UTC during European summer


  • 18:00 GMT, 18:00 BST for the United Kingdom
  • 19:00 CET, 19:00 CEST for mainland Europe

North America

  • 13:00 EST, 13:00 EDT for Eastern Time
  • 12:00 CST, 12:00 CDT for Central Time
  • 10:00 PST, 10:00 PDT for Pacific Time

Between the second Sunday in March and the last Sunday in March and between the last Sunday in October and the first Sunday in November the meeting will be at these times:

  • 14:00 EDT for Eastern Time
  • 13:00 CDT for Central Time
  • 11:00 PDT for Pacific Time

South America

  • 13:00 ECT during European winter
  • 12:00 ECT during European summer


  • 23:30 IST during European winter
  • 22:30 IST during European summmer

If you are in a timezone not listed above, feel free to add it for the benefit of other community members in your timezone.