MusicBrainz Summit / 19

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Summit 19 is going to happen between September 27 and September 29 2019, at MetaBrainz HQ in Barcelona, Spain.

The days leading up to and after the 27th-29th are for socializing and for meetings other than the main sessions. And for the first time ever, we will have three prizes to give away to attendees: 2 Bose Noise cancelling headphones and 1 Bose home audio system.


Summit attendees this year.

Arrival dateArrival transportDeparture dateDeparture transportLodgingFood PreferenceT-Shirt Size
reosarevok2019-09-26 @ 16:10BT6832019-09-30 @ 17:10BT684Yesrecording:dc0a0ab4-f1d7-4bc3-aebb-64beb7ffc234recording:8c598ecd-c14d-4028-acf0-3407de9173ab
Freso2019-09-25 @ 11:45D836562019-10-01 @ 08:00D85570Yes🌱M
Zas2019-09-19 @ 19:30Train / Sants2019-10-01 @ 09:25Train / SantsNo (Rob's guest)Anything but cucumberM
yvanzo2019-09-25 @ 19:30Train / Sants2019-10-01 @ 09:25Train / SantsYesedibleeLegant
Vansika2019-09-25 @ 21:10Flight2019-10-01 @ 16:40FlightYesless spicy (Vegetarian, no eggs)S
aidanlw172019-09-25 @ 10:05Flight2019-09-30 @ 13:50FlightYesall!L
Cyna2019-09-25 @ 21:10Flight2019-10-01 @ 08:50FlightYesLacto-Vegetarian + spicyL
jflory2019-09-26 @ 12:15DY 71962019-09-30 @ 18:25DY 7195YesPescetarian (🌱 + seafood)S
MonkeyAlready hereBike--NoHot sauceM
Bitmap2019-09-25 @ 15:10HV 51352019-09-30 @ 14:05DY 7155YesVegetarianM


We've reserved two AirBnBs loads of space, located here: Passeig de Pujades 25

To enter the building, enter the 5 digit code (4 numbers, 1 letter) on the keypad that was mailed to you earlier.

The floor numbering system in Spain is sometimes confusing. Make sure you get the right floor! The 1-1 flat is not on the first floor, but on the floor labeled "Primer". The flat has a sign "Primer 1a" above it. Similarly the 4-2 flat is on the floor labeled "quart" and has a sign "2a" above it . Make sure you get the right flat, since they all look alike!

To enter the flat, enter the 4 digit code for the flat and press ✅ (this code was mailed to you). The last person to leave the flat must activate the alarm code! To do this, pull the door shut and press: 2 ✅ [door code] ✅. The light above the keypad should fade to red to indicate the alarm has been set.

There is a terrace we can use; this is also the location for dinner on thursday -- take the stairs all the way to the top and use the left door. To open the door, use the keypad by the door in the exact same way to enter into the apartment.

NameAddressNumber of peopleNumber of roomsNumber of bedscheck-incheck-outnotes
Ciutatella Parc 1-1Passeig de Pujades, 25, 1-16352019-09-252019-10-01reo, freso, yvanzo, JFlory
Ciutatella Parc 4-2Passeig de Pujades, 25, 4-26352019-09-252019-10-01bitmap, vansika, cyna, aidan
Mayhem's House-222--Ruaok, Guest room: Zas
Monkey's Tree-111--Monkey


Checkout is at 11am on October 1. To leave, please take out all the trash and just pull the doors closed. Make sure to leave by 11am!


Here is a short video to help you unlock the office doors and barge in with chocolates.


For each evening we will have some dinner reservations or catered food to enjoy. During the main portion of the summit, Reo will lead shopping expeditions on saturday to buy food for us to eat at the office during the day. If you have particular desires for food during the day, please go with Reo to the supermarket.


We like to share chocolate during our summits -- if you can come and bring some chocolate (3-4 bars of the good stuff, no Hersheys!) from your corner of the world that would be an excellent contribution. If you live in a country that doesn't really do chocolate, bring some sweets that are renowned in your country!.

Equipment for live stream

The last couple of years the official parts of the summit have been live streamed. Last year we did better quality, but with a lot more technical issues. To try and get the same quality this year, but with fewer technical issues I (Freso) would like to hear if anyone has any of the following that could be lend to me during the official summit days (and preferably at least a single day prior to, to allow me time to set it up):

  • One (or possibly two) active/powered USB extension cable(s) to connect the webcam to laptop…
  • An okay powerful laptop (anything from within the last 5 or so years should be fine), which you ideally won’t be using yourself and also won’t do a lot of other CPU heavy‐ish tasks (– and also ideally running Linux already, but talk to me (Freso) and we can probably sort something out)

If you can help with any of these, please reach out! I’m Freso on IRC or freso (at)!

Agenda topics

  • Why do we not have any napkins?
  • Genres: How far have we come, next steps.
  • Caching: How can we do better on an HTTP/object/microcaching level?
  • Moderation: Tools for better moderating the edit system on MusicBrainz
  • Indexed search: Maintainers, Python development, and use with BookBrainz
  • Project updates: Each project lead should give a 5-10 minute update on their project.
    • Zas for hosting
    • Ruaok for MetaBrainz
    • Vansika for LB-labs
    • Monkey for BookBrainz
    • Freso: MusicBrainz/general community
  • Google Code-in 101: What is it? How is it different from GSoC? How can I be involved/help out? (Mostly for new mentors and potential co-admin(s). Could easily be break-out session or similar at some point.)
  • Google Code-in 201: Brainstorm tasks. Communication platform. Other things to discuss for this year’s GCI? (For all people who’d like to be involved with GCI efforts.)
  • Postgres 10/11 upgrade

Schedule of Events

The two main days of the Summit are the 28th and 29th -- if you can only attend 2 days, make it these. Other days are for socializing and exploring Barcelona a little.

Wednesday, September 25th

Arrival, no real plans. Rest!

Dinner: Ale & Hop

Thursday, September 26th

Hacking and Science Museum day!

We will spend the morning hacking on whatever we feel like; then we'll find lunch and after that we'll head over to Cosmocaixa, Barcelona's science museum. Besides the science museum, there is also an exhibit with mirrors that has received very good reviews. It should be a fun after noon exploring science and technology.

If you are arriving to BCN during the day, ping us on IRC and we'll find a way to connect.

Dinner: Terrace of Passeig de Pujades, 25, Social hour at 19h, dinner at 20h. Dinner end: no later than 23h

Friday, September 27th

Team days / breakout sessions

Dinner: Bodega la Palma 19:30 ( )

Saturday, September 28th

Main summit sessions, followed by dinner

Dinner: Cuines Santa Caterina, 20h ( )

Sunday, September 29th

Main summit sessions, close by mid-afternoon.

Lunch: Pizza from around the corner

Dinner: Flax & Kale Passage, 19:50* ( )

  • we have no reservations, so better show up earlier

Monday, September 30th

  • More team hacking or more exploring of Barcelona. We'll figure it out in time.


Very important: Barcelona is a very safe city, save for pick-pockets. Once you leave your plane/train, make sure your wallet/passport/laptop is secured! Ideally important things will be under two zippers or better. Never walk with a wallet in your back pocket, unless it is secured! A cross-body purse or bag is also recommended.

Getting around:

Check out this handy google map of the locations you may need to find during the summit:

MetaBrainz Summit 2019 Map

Metro and buses

In any metro station you can buy tickets which are valid on the bus system, metro, and commuter trains within the Barcelona city limits. Buy a T10 ticket, which will give you 10 trips at the bargain of 10.20€. Insert the ticket in a reader at a metro turnstile or when entering a bus/tram. You can transfer from one mode of transport to another (e.g. metro to bus or between two different buses) for free within 75 minutes of the first time you use your ticket. Make sure you swipe again when you enter the new transport. Even multiple people are allowed to travel on the same card -- you just need to pass the card backward so the next person can pass through the turnstile. If you travel with others on the same card, make sure to stay together in case you encounter a ticket inspector. The fee for getting caught for a ticket mishap is 100€.

More information on TMB

View Metro Map


Barcelona does not have services like Uber and Cabify; though the taxi system here is clean and quite nice. The giant taxi backed app MyTaxi is available. You'll be asked to only order the cab and pay the ride via an app. Web app available on their site to call for a taxi

Navigation: Google maps has pretty good public transit directions. Even better is Citymapper

OpenStreetMap data with maps, roads, Transport, address data, and 'points of interest' for Catalunya made available by OsmAnd~ here (170MB)

Arriving by train

If you arrive at Barcelona Sants, you can take the Rodalies train Lines R1, R3, R4 with stop at Arc de Triomf station.

Arriving by plane

If you arrive into the BCN airport either Terminal T1 or Terminal T2, follow the signs to the buses, taxis, or metro. See above for tips on how to use the metro.

  • airport bus line: The Aerobus is the fastest way to reach the city, only 35 minutes. The bus has slow free WiFi and a place to charge your phone. You can get your ticket online to print and to avoid queuing. The third and last stop is Plaça Catalunya. To reach Arc de Triomf walk the remaining 1000 meters, or take the Metro line L1 (red) for two stops, the Rodalies R4 commuter train for just one stop, or the bus H16 for three stops. Price: 5.90€ one way or 10.20€ round-trip, plus the second ride.
  • Taxi: There is a taxi line outside both terminals. Ask to be dropped at the Arc de Triomf. Price around 35€
  • Bus 46: The line 46 links the airport with Plaça Espanya. Once there at the Espanya station take L1 metro line to Arc de Triomf station (transfer at no cost if you use a T10 ticket). Runs every 15 minutes. Price: 2.20€, or 1.02€ if you use a T10 ticket (available at the airport)
  • Metro: The L9S leaves from both T1 and T2 terminals. Transfer at Torrassa station to the line L1 (red) until Arc de Triomf station. Price: 4.60€
  • Train: The R2 Commuter train goes from Terminal 2 twice an hour. You can buy a T10 ticket from ticket machines at the station to use on this train (An individual ticket costs about 4€, so don't get one of these). At Barcelona Sants you can change to the R1, R3, or R4 train to get to Arc de Triomf. At the airport a free shuttle bus runs from T1 to T2.

Emergency phone numbers

  1. 112 All emergencies

local numbers

  1. 061 Medical Emergencies
  2. 080 Fire Emergencies
  3. 088 Police (Mossos d'Esquadra)

Other Useful Phone Numbers